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Yogi Vemana University Kadapa Admit Card 2014 for Annual Semester Examinations

The Yogi Vemana University is the premiere university brought into existence in the state of Andhra Pradesh by the passing of State Legislative Assembly Act on 9TH March 2006 for this purpose. The university has been named after one of the renowned saints- “Yogi Vemana. The university courses can be availed in a number of disciplines including the Mathematical & Computer /Information Sciences, Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, Management Studies, Social Sciences, Humanities, Earth Sciences and Biotechnology/ Bioinformatics and Physical Education & Sports respectively.

The university examinations are conducted annually twice a year in the months of June/ July and November/ December respectively. The candidates appearing in the exam will receive their admit cards from the university departments concerned at least one week before the date of exam. The applicants may also check for their admit cards online provided the website of university has a provision for the same.

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Admit Cards Accessing Procedure for Yogi Vemana University Kadapa Annual Examinations 2014:

-Log on to the university official website at yogivemanauniversity.ac.in.

-Go to the “downloads or notice board” sections of website available at the home page to find the links for downloading admit cards.

-The applicants shall get their admit cards offline from the university concerned offices and departments.

-Save and take print outs (if online admit cards are available) or simply carry the hard copies as availed from the university departments.

The applicants must not forget to carry their Admit Cards at the time of examination or else they will be barred from examination. The candidates reaching late or without admit cards shall not be allowed to sit in the examination.

To get more details on Yogi Vemana University Kadapa Admit Cards 2014, click here