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Who Is Siriana Abboud? Manhattan Pre-K Teacher Accused of Teaching Anti-Israel Lessons

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Addressing Concerns about the Promotion of Anti-Israel Sentiments by a Pre-K Teacher

Addressing Concerns about the Promotion of Anti-Israel Sentiments by a Pre-K Teacher

News: Siriana Abboud, a pre-K teacher at PS 59 in Manhattan, is under scrutiny for her propagation of anti-Israel sentiments among very young children. Using her social media platforms and exclusive “teach-ins,” Abboud engages 4-year-olds in discussions about subjects like “land theft, displacement, and ethnic cleansing.” These actions have sparked concerns among educators and watchdog groups about their suitability and the potential influence on impressionable young minds.

A Background on Siriana Abboud:

Siriana Abboud, a Lebanese-American educator and founder, spent her formative years in Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley before relocating to Cleveland, Ohio. In addition to her contributions to the field of education, she has spearheaded initiatives such as @SahteinBeirut, a project aimed at aiding those impacted by the Beirut explosion through a food-based challenge. Nevertheless, there are ongoing concerns regarding her approach to educating young children about intricate geopolitical issues.

Controversial “Teach-Ins” and Curriculum:

Abboud’s “teach-ins” and curriculum have sparked significant controversy. Educators and watchdog groups are apprehensive about the appropriateness of introducing topics such as “land theft, displacement, and ethnic cleansing” to 4-year-olds. The teaching methods and content have raised concerns about potential bias and the potential influence on the minds of young, impressionable children.

Promotion of Anti-Israel Sentiments:

Abboud’s social media posts describe Israel as a “fascist ethnostate” and urge participation in pro-Palestinian protests. While advocating for anti-racism in education is undoubtedly important, there are concerns about the potential impact of these sentiments on young children and their capacity to grasp the intricacies of geopolitical conflicts. It is vital to uphold a balanced and unbiased approach when broaching sensitive topics with young children.

Criticism of Allusio Academy:

Abboud also manages Allusio Academy, a side business providing at-home curriculums for children and consultations. This enterprise has drawn criticism for its recommended resources, notably the inclusion of the book “P Is for Palestine” by Golbarg Bashi. The book has been accused of being antisemitic, raising concerns about its potential impact on the way young children comprehend the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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Addressing Concerns and Moving Forward:

Promoting critical thinking and discussions about global issues is essential, but it is equally vital to protect children from biased or inappropriate content. Schools and educational institutions should establish guidelines and oversight mechanisms to ensure that educators follow a balanced and age-appropriate curriculum.

Open dialogue is crucial for addressing concerns and reaching common ground. Creating platforms for discussion involving educators, parents, and the community can promote understanding and offer a space for constructive conversations on sensitive topics such as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The promotion of anti-Israel sentiments among young children by Siriana Abboud, a pre-K teacher, has indeed raised concerns in the educational community. To address this, it is imperative to uphold a balanced and unbiased approach when discussing sensitive geopolitical topics with young children. Collaboration between educators and parents is essential in creating an educational environment that fosters critical thinking, open dialogue, and age-appropriate discussions. By addressing concerns and promoting understanding, we can ensure that children are exposed to accurate information and develop a well-rounded perspective on complex global issues.


Q: How can educators maintain a balanced perspective when addressing sensitive subjects with young children?

A: Teachers can ensure a balanced approach by providing age-appropriate information, promoting critical thinking, and encouraging open dialogue among students.

Q: How can parents address concerns related to biased teaching in their child’s education?

A: Parents can engage in conversations with teachers and school administrators, express their concerns, and work together to develop guidelines for age-appropriate and unbiased education.

Q: What steps can communities take to promote understanding and productive discussions on sensitive subjects?

A: Communities can establish platforms for discussions, organize workshops or seminars, and encourage respectful dialogue among educators, parents, and community members to promote understanding and bridge gaps in perspectives.

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