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Who is Marilyn Adler? The mom who stood up to Aya and Dana Baraket and intends to file a legal complaint

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Marilyn Adler Confronts Women Tearing Down Posters of Israeli Child Hostages

Marilyn Adler Confronts Women Tearing Down Posters of Israeli Child Hostages

News: Marilyn Adler found herself in the spotlight when she confronted two individuals who were removing posters depicting Israeli child hostages, resulting in a highly controversial incident. This encounter was captured on video and rapidly disseminated across social media, highlighting the intense altercation between Adler and the two women.

A Stand Against Hate and Prejudice

Amid escalating concerns regarding antisemitic incidents, Marilyn Adler’s choice to respond by lodging a police report and seeking legal repercussions for the individuals involved underscored the pressing necessity to combat hate-driven conduct and biases targeting the Jewish community.

The Incident

The incident unfolded on the Upper West Side as Marilyn Adler and her daughters unexpectedly came across the two women in the act of tearing down the flyers. When they attempted to intervene, Adler and her family were met with a torrent of profanity and hostile conduct.

Identifying the Culprits

The two women involved in the incident have been identified as Aya and Dana Baraket. While tearing down the posters depicting Israeli child hostages, Aya vehemently expressed her disdain for Israel with expletives, and Dana joined in by making derogatory remarks directed at Adler.

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Marilyn Adler’s Determination

Marilyn Adler, a New York City resident, garnered attention for her resolute stance in confronting individuals engaged in the removal of posters portraying Israeli child hostages. Her choice to initiate a police report and pursue legal action against the two women involved emphasized her dedication to addressing the matter.

The Impact of the Incident

The distressing verbal assault, captured on video, underscored the intensity of the confrontation and the deeply ingrained hatred exhibited by the two women. Rabbi Joseph Potasnik, the executive vice president of the New York Board of Rabbis, underscored the profound impact of the incident, emphasizing how it laid bare the ongoing existence of antisemitism within our society. Mayor Eric Adams also decried the act of tearing down the posters, emphasizing the significance of honoring the victims of terrorism and advocating for a more compassionate and empathetic approach to sensitive issues.

Addressing Antisemitism

This incident brought to the forefront the growing worry about antisemitic occurrences in the city, prompting conversations about the deep-seated challenges and biases encountered by the Jewish community. Adler’s actions underscored the importance of addressing such hate-driven conduct and the need for increased awareness and efforts to combat antisemitism.

A Battle Against Hate and Prejudice

In summary, the clash between Marilyn Adler and the two women involved in dismantling posters depicting Israeli child hostages served as a poignant reminder of the persistent struggle against hate and bias. Adler’s choice to confront antisemitism and pursue legal remedies underscored the pressing requirement to tackle such behavior. It is imperative for our society to cultivate a more compassionate and empathetic atmosphere, where mutual respect takes precedence.


Q: What led to Marilyn Adler confronting the two women tearing down posters?

A: Marilyn Adler confronted the two women after stumbling upon them tearing down posters of Israeli child hostages.

Q: What actions did Marilyn Adler take after the confrontation?

A: Marilyn Adler filed a police report and pursued legal consequences for those involved.

Q: What was the response from Rabbi Joseph Potasnik and Mayor Eric Adams?

A: Rabbi Joseph Potasnik emphasized the impact of the incident, highlighting the presence of antisemitism. Mayor Eric Adams condemned the tearing down of the posters and advocated for a more compassionate approach to sensitive issues.

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