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Who Is David Rives? Who Is Jenna Ellis’s First Husband?

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Who Is David Rives? Who Is Jenna Ellis’s First Husband?

Jenna Ellis

Early Life and Marriage

News: In June 2019, Jenna Ellis, born on November 1, 1984, in the United States, entered into a brief marriage with David Rives. Their relationship encountered difficulties, resulting in their separation after just two months. It’s important to mention that David Rives is a prominent figure in the Christian community, actively engaged in several Christian endeavors. He is known for hosting a show on Trinity Broadcasting Network and overseeing David Rives Ministries.

Beginning her legal career as a deputy district attorney in Weld County, Colorado, Jenna Ellis initially held reservations regarding Donald Trump and his supporters. However, her perspective underwent a transformation after Trump clinched the Republican nomination for president in 2016. She transitioned into a staunch advocate for him, leveraging her legal expertise to bolster his initiatives.

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Hired by Trump as a prominent legal counsel in November 2019, Jenna Ellis garnered substantial attention. She played a pivotal role in contesting the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, asserting claims of electoral fraud. Nevertheless, her participation and efforts to overturn the election results became the subject of investigation and intense scrutiny.

Personal Life

As of the available information, there is no indication that Jenna Ellis has entered into a new marriage following her separation from David Rives. Her primary focus continues to be on her professional pursuits and the advancement of her legal career.

Jenna Ellis is a widely recognized conservative attorney, most notably recognized for her close association with Donald Trump and her active involvement in his legal disputes. Although her marriage with David Rives was brief, she remains a prominent figure in the realms of politics and law, making a lasting impact in these arenas.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is Jenna Ellis currently married?

A: No, Jenna Ellis is not currently married. Her previous marriage with David Rives ended shortly after it began.

Q: What is Jenna Ellis known for?

A: Jenna Ellis gained recognition for her work as a member of Donald Trump’s legal team and her strong advocacy for him.

Q: Has Jenna Ellis been involved in any controversies?

A: Yes, Jenna Ellis’s involvement in Trump’s legal battles and allegations of electoral fraud have faced investigation and scrutiny.

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