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What Happened To Every Real-Life Survivor After Society Of The Snow

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What Happened To Every Real-Life Survivor After Society Of The Snow

Survivors of the 1972 Andes Plane Crash

Divergent Paths

News: Following the devastating 1972 Andes plane crash, the survivors endured unimaginable conditions for an astonishing 72 days until their eventual rescue. Despite the harrowing ordeal, they refused to allow this traumatic event to shape their futures. Instead, they exhibited remarkable resilience and forged ahead to embrace ordinary lives, showcasing the indomitable nature of the human spirit in overcoming adversity.

Individual Successes

Remarkably, certain survivors have attained noteworthy success in various domains, emerging as prominent figures in fields such as medicine, business, and sports. Their achievements stand as a testament to the fact that they refused to be constrained by their past; instead, they leveraged it as a foundation for achieving greater accomplishments. This underscores their resilience and unwavering determination.

Sharing Their Stories

In the past few years, certain survivors have opted to narrate their experiences to the public. Through engagement in events and discussions, they’ve heightened awareness about their extraordinary survival journey. Their willingness to share has become a source of inspiration for individuals confronting their own adversities, serving as a poignant reminder of the formidable strength inherent in the human spirit when faced with unimaginable challenges.

Survivor Stories

Examining the lives of some survivors post the 1972 Andes plane crash, as depicted in the film “Society of the Snow,” offers a closer perspective. The movie unfolds the trajectories of these individuals, shedding light on their experiences and journeys in the aftermath of the tragic event.

1. Roberto Canessa

After the crash, Canessa embarked on a career in medicine, with a specialization in pediatric cardiology. Additionally, he ventured into motivational speaking and had the privilege of serving as an instructor at a university. In a notable turn of events, in 1994, he entered the political arena by running for the position of Uruguayan President.

2. Gustavo Zerbino

Zerbino assumed the position of Director and CEO of the Uruguayan Rugby Federation after the crash. Furthermore, he delved into expertise in fields like adversity management and leadership. Presently, he remains a source of inspiration, sharing his insights through motivational speaking to uplift and motivate others.

3. Eduardo Strauch

Strauch, an architect and painter, established his presence by founding his own architectural studio. In 2019, he took a significant step by co-authoring a book about the crash, ensuring the enduring legacy of the story.

4. Álvaro Mangino

Following the crash, Mangino chose a more tranquil path. He made contributions to a book detailing the experiences of the survivors, transitioned into a career in air conditioning and heating, and currently finds fulfillment in his role as a grandfather.

5. Nando Parrado

Parrado collaborated on the book “Miracle in the Andes: 72 Days on the Mountain and My Long Trek Home.” Beyond that, he made appearances in documentaries and diversified his pursuits, becoming a TV presenter, entrepreneur, and a highly sought-after motivational speaker.

6. Antonio “Tintin” Vizintín

Vizintín pursued a career in law and later ventured into the fields of plastic packaging and the food industry. Notably, he ascended to the position of Vice President of the Uruguayan Rugby Union. Concurrently, he continued his motivational speaking endeavors, sharing insights and inspiration with others.

Continued Growth and Inspiration

The survivors, post their harrowing experience, have forged diverse paths, leveraging their past ordeals for personal and professional advancement. From successful careers to authoring books and motivational speaking engagements, they exemplify resilience and strength, demonstrating an unwavering spirit in the wake of unimaginable adversity.

The Movie “Society of the Snow”

Directed by J.A. Bayona, the film “Society of the Snow” is a gripping survival thriller that recounts the true story of the 1972 Andes plane crash. Adapted from Pablo Vierci’s book, the movie unfolds the remarkable narrative of the 16 survivors who endured a challenging 72 days amidst the unforgiving Andes Mountains.

The film skillfully captures the group’s struggles post-crash, showcasing their resourcefulness, resilience, and the extraordinary measures they undertook for survival. Upon its 2023 release, “Society of the Snow” garnered widespread acclaim for its compelling depiction of human endurance and the indomitable strength of the human spirit when confronted with extreme adversity.

The individuals who survived the 1972 Andes plane crash have shown incredible strength in the time since their frightening ordeal. They’ve progressed in their lives, discovering satisfaction in different pursuits, and sharing their experiences to motivate others. Their unyielding determination showcases the strength of human resolve, proving that one can triumph over the toughest of situations.


Q: What was the duration of time the Andes plane crash survivors spent awaiting rescue?

A: The survivors endured an astounding 72-day period before finally being rescued.

Q: In what areas have certain survivors achieved success?

A: Several survivors have excelled in various domains like medicine, business, and sports.

Q: In what ways are the survivors leveraging their experiences to motivate others?

A: The survivors are actively engaging in events, discussions, and storytelling to create awareness and offer inspiration to individuals confronting their own adversities.

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