Uttarakhand Forest Department Result 2015
Uttarakhand Forest Department has finally released the result 2015 of the physical test which was held to fill up the vacant positions of Forest Guard under Uttarakhand Forest Guard. Uttarakhand Forest Department has issued the result of the physical test held from 29th June 2015 to 4th July 2015. The examinee contestants those who all gave the physical test for the vacant positions of Forest Guard now their wait are over.
The examinee contestants can now check their physical test results 2015 on the official web page with the help of the information given here with. The examinee contestants all those who are short listed will have to appear for the next round of selection i.e. written test. The next round of selection will be held on 26th July 2015. Starting time of written test exam for the vacant positions of Forest Guard is 10: 30 a. m. The result 2015 issued by Uttarakhand Forest Department of the physical test held for Forest Guard has the name, roll number, husband or father’s name, sex, and caste category given serial wise in table format. The examinee contestants are advised to go through the result carefully.