TNEA Admit Card 2014- 15
TNEA has asserted the examination for recruitment of numerous post for recruitment and for several courses admission in the different Undergraduate & Postgraduate courses. The candidates willing to get admission in the University must firstly apply for their candidature and thereon search to download their admit card to appear in the examination. Applicants can find the details in relation to download in the following segments…
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TNEA Syllabus:-
Algebra- Matrices, Solving System of Equations-Eigen Values, Rank of Matrix and Eigen Vectors-Inverse of a Matrix – Cayley Hamilton Theorem, Basic set theory, Basic Definitions, Venn Diagrams and set operations, Principle of inclusion and exclusion, Laws of set theory, partitions, Permutation and Combination, Relations, Properties of relations, Matrices of relations, Closure operations on relations, Functions, injective, subjective and objective functions.
Mathematical logic- Propositions and logical operators, Truth table, Propositions generated by a set, Equivalence and implication, Basic laws, some more connectives, functionally complete set of connectives, Normal forms, Proofs in Propositional calculus, Predicate calculus.
Formal languages- Languages and Grammars, Phrase Structure Grammar-Classification of Grammars, Pumping Lemma for Regular Languages-Context Free Languages
Finite state automata- Finite State Automata-Deterministic, Finite State Automata (DFA), Non Deterministic Finite State Automata (NFA), Equivalence of DFA and NFA, Equivalence of NFA and Regular Languages
Detailed Procedure for the attainment of TNEA Admit Card 2014- 15
i- Aspirant, at first, must visit the authorized gateway of the University.
ii- Search the notification sections for the link of “AMRITA University Admit Card 2014- 15”
iii- Give the details as required by the page in order to show your admit card.
iv- After filling the details, click on “Submit” button flashing at the end.
v- In a few seconds the website will flash your admit card on the screen of your device.
vi- Save to take print out later OR you can also take print out at that time only.
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