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The Exorcist Filming Locations: Where is the Classic Movie Filmed?

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The Exorcist – Filming Locations

The Exorcist - Filming Locations

News: In the realm of horror classics, “The Exorcist,” directed by William Friedkin in 1973, is a standout. This iconic film, featuring Ellen Burstyn, Linda Blair, and Max von Sydow, served as a trailblazer for numerous others within its genre. The spine-tingling narrative centers on a young girl possessed by a malevolent force, prompting her mother to turn to priests for a harrowing exorcism.

Filming Locations

“The Exorcist” chose an array of captivating filming locations to bring its chilling tale to life. While some of the initial sequences were shot at an actual archaeological excavation site in Mosul, Iraq, the choice was not without its challenges. At the time, diplomatic relations between the United States and Iraq were non-existent, causing Warner Bros. Pictures to worry about potential issues for the filming crew. However, director William Friedkin took matters into his own hands, personally negotiating with and even bribing Ba’ath Party officials to secure the necessary permissions. Due to the extreme temperatures in the region, filming could only occur between dusk and dawn, limited to a few hours each day.

In addition to Iraq, several indoor scenes found their home at Warner Bros. Studios in Burbank, California. This iconic movie hub has been a backdrop for numerous cinematic masterpieces over the past century, including “Blade Runner,” “Tenet,” “Barbie,” and “Ready Player One.”

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New York City also played a crucial role in the film’s setting. Hospital scenes were filmed at Bellevue Hospital in Manhattan, while the interior shots of the MacNeil residence were captured at CECO Studios. Additional indoor scenes took place at a now-defunct studio on West 54th Street. For the iconic exorcism scenes, Fordham University’s Keating Hall in Rose Hill provided the setting, and the hallways of Goldwater Memorial Hospital at Coler Specialty Hospital on Roosevelt Island stood in for the psychiatric ward scenes.

Although the story is set in Washington DC, many scenes were filmed in various locations around the United States. Still, to capture the ambiance and horror of the capital accurately, a significant number of both indoor and outdoor scenes were shot in Washington DC. Exterior shots of the MacNeill residence, whose interiors were filmed in NYC, were captured at night in Georgetown. To achieve the desired look, the production team even constructed a false wing and added a prop on the roof to make the windows of Linda Blair’s character, Regan, appear closer to the stairs. Georgetown University’s campus was also utilized for specific scenes, including desecration, an interview in the office of the Archbishop, and some indoor bar scenes. Locations like New North Hall, Dahlgreen Chapel, and The Tombs bar were chosen for these purposes.

In conclusion, “The Exorcist” not only mesmerized audiences with its gripping storyline and exceptional performances but also took viewers on a journey through a variety of captivating filming locations. From the ancient excavation site in Mosul, Iraq, to the bustling streets of New York City and the eerie ambiance of Washington DC, each location added depth and authenticity to this horror classic. It is these meticulous details that continue to immerse viewers in the world of “The Exorcist” and solidify its status as a timeless masterpiece in the horror genre.


Q: Where did the filming of “The Exorcist” commence?

A: The film’s production began at a genuine archaeological excavation site located in Mosul, Iraq.

Q: Where were the scenes set in a hospital filmed?

A: The hospital scenes were captured at Bellevue Hospital in Manhattan, New York City.

Q: Which university’s campus served as the backdrop for particular scenes in the movie?

A: Georgetown University’s campus provided the setting for specific scenes in the film, encompassing a desecration, an interview in the Archbishop’s office, and various indoor bar scenes.

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