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St Peter’s University Admit Cards 2014 available for IITE Dhanbad

The IITE (Institute of Industrial Technology & Engineering) Dhanbad, an affiliated institute to the St. Peter’s University Chennai has released the downloading links for admit cards of IITE Entrance Test held in June 2014. Those applicants who have applied for the concerned entrance exam may download it online from website of IITE Dhanbad at iitedhanbad.org. The Institute of Industrial Technology and Engineering Dhanbad were established in April 2009. The college has affiliations with both St Peter’s University Chennai and Karnataka State Open University Mysore respectively.

The applicants appearing in the college entrance test will be able to enroll themselves in different professional courses under following subjects: Business Administration, Computer Applications, Polytechnic, Paramedical and other diploma courses fully approved by UGC and AICTE New Delhi. To download admit cards online, applicants must follow the instructions as given below for this purpose.

View more for Latest Admit Card Details

Admit Card Downloading Criteria for St Peter’s University Affiliated College Entrance Exam 2014:

-Go to the website of concerned college or log on to iitedhanbad.org.

-The home page of website has the “Notice Board” section under which the moving link of admit card is present.

-Click on the links of “Download Admit Card for IITE Entrance Test June 2014”.

-Use the “Click Here” option to access the downloading windows of the concerned entrance exam.

-Enter all the required details in this window including your full name and fathers name respectively.

-Submit it to preview your admit cards online on the computer screens.

-Print the admit cards and bring it along at the examination centres to avail permission for appearance in it.

Download your St Peters University Admit Cards 2014 from here