SCCL Results 2015
SCCL (Singareni Collieries Company Limited) a government company has declared the results of the various written test exams. Singareni Collieries Company Limited took written test exams for the positions of E. P. Operator (Trainee) Cat-V. SCCL i.e. Singareni Collieries Company Limited has declared the final result of driving proficiency test, written test and ass. rptg tests held in the month of April. SCCL (Singareni Collieries Company Limited) took these exams on 19th April 2015. Final Results: The Singareni Collieries Company Limited (SCCL) has declared final results for the post of E.P.Operator (Trainee) Cat-V.
The SCCL (Singareni Collieries Company Limited) results 2015 have the following details in the final list sheet: –
i) The serial no. as SL NO.
ii) The call – letter employee code as CALL – LTR EMCODE.
iii) The name and place of work or area as NAME PLACE OF WORK/AREA.
iv) The address as ADRESS.
v) The caste sex as CASTE SEX N / NL.
vi) The date of birth as DT. OF BIRTH.
vii) The marks as MARKS.
viii) The roster cycle and points as ROSTER CYCLE AND POINTS.
The SCCL final results of the year 2015 were declared on 21st May 2015.