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Russia’s Role in South Caucasus Tensions: Supporting Armenia or Azerbaijan?

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The Ongoing Conflict Between Armenia and Azerbaijan: Russia’s Role

The Ongoing Conflict Between Armenia and Azerbaijan: Russia's Role

News: The ongoing conflict in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh, involving Armenia and Azerbaijan, has garnered significant international attention. It is essential to examine Russia’s role in this conflict, given its historical connections and strategic interests in the region.

Russia’s Relationship with Armenia

Russia indeed has a longstanding and robust relationship with Armenia, which stands as its sole strategic ally in the South Caucasus region. This historical tie traces its origins to Armenia’s inclusion in the Russian Empire and has continued to deepen since the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Starting in 1991, Russia has upheld a military presence in Armenia, playing a pivotal role in safeguarding Armenia’s borders, particularly against potential threats from Turkey and Iran.

Tensions and Russia’s Inaction

In 2020, tensions escalated significantly when Azerbaijan initiated aggressive actions against Nagorno-Karabakh. Despite Armenia’s pleas and the activation of their collective security treaty, Russia chose not to intervene militarily. This decision deeply eroded Armenia’s confidence in Russia, and Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan openly expressed concerns about Russia’s dependability as a security guarantor.

Russia’s Dual Role

Russia’s role in the conflict is not one-sided in support of Armenia. It’s worth noting that Russia serves as one of Azerbaijan’s primary sources of arms. This dual role became evident when Russia continued to provide arms to Azerbaijan, even during Azerbaijan’s military offensive against Armenia, despite its security commitments to Armenia. This complex position underscores Russia’s multifaceted interests and relationships in the region.

Consequences of Russia’s Decision

Russia’s choice not to intervene in the conflict has had profound repercussions. It has undermined the previously strong trust between Armenia and Russia and has prompted closer relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey. This passive stance has also sparked concerns about Russia’s dependability as a security ally in the South Caucasus, highlighting the evolving dynamics and challenges in the region.

Current Situation

Currently, the relationship between Armenia and Azerbaijan remains tense, with both nations accusing each other of troop buildup, suggesting the potential for future conflicts. In this uncertain situation, Russia continues to be a significant player in the region, but its precise role and how it may influence the ongoing dynamics remain uncertain and subject to the evolving developments in the South Caucasus.

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Russia’s Complex Position

Russia’s role in the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict indeed presents a complex and multifaceted dynamic. Historically, Russia has been supportive of Armenia, but its arms supply to Azerbaijan and its decision to refrain from military intervention during the 2020 war have added layers of ambiguity to its position. As of now, Russia continues to hold influence in the South Caucasus, but determining whether it leans more towards supporting Armenia or Azerbaijan is not a straightforward matter, highlighting the intricacies of its involvement in the region.

To sum up, the ongoing Nagorno-Karabakh conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan has cast a spotlight on Russia’s role in the region. While Russia has traditionally supported Armenia, its arms sales to Azerbaijan and its decision to abstain from intervening in the 2020 war have complicated its position. This has strained Armenia’s relationship with Russia and raised questions about Russia’s trustworthiness as a security ally. As the conflict persists, Russia’s precise role remains uncertain, and the issue of its support for Armenia or Azerbaijan remains intricate and evolving.


Q: What constitutes the contested region of Nagorno-Karabakh?

A: Nagorno-Karabakh is a region in the South Caucasus that is internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan but is primarily inhabited by ethnic Armenians. The conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan revolves around the control of this territory.

Q: How has Russia’s role impacted the connection between Armenia and Turkey?

A: Russia’s decision not to intervene in the conflict has led to closer ties between Azerbaijan and Turkey. This has strained the relationship between Armenia and Turkey, as Turkey has openly supported Azerbaijan in the conflict.

Q: What does the collective security treaty between Armenia and Russia entail?

A: The collective security treaty between Armenia and Russia is a mutual defense agreement. It stipulates that if one of the member states is attacked, the other members will provide military assistance. However, Russia chose not to intervene in the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan, despite the invocation of this treaty.

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