RRB Bhubaneswar Admit Cards 2016
RRB (Railway Recruitment Board), Bhubaneswar has issued admit card / call letter for job hunters to attend computer based test for various positions of NTPC (Graduates) against CEN 03/2015. The admit cards for the specified positions has been uploaded on the official web portal of RRB (Railway Recruitment Board) Bhubaneswar : rrbbbs.gov.in . Contenders must not forget to download their admit cards and bring it with them at the time of computer based test being conducted for NTPC (Graduates) against CEN 03/2015. Other details regarding the process involved in downloading the admit cards are given as under :
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Steps for downloading RRB Bhubaneswar Admit Cards 2016 :
i). Job hunters who have applied for various positions of NTPC (Graduates) against CEN 03/2015 should first of all visit the official web portal of RRB (Railway Recruitment Board), Bhubaneswar : rrbbbs.gov.in .
ii). Once the job hunters reach to the home page of RRB (Railway Recruitment Board), Bhubaneswar’s official web portal , they must look for the admit card link.
iii). Now, the aspirants must select the top most link of ‘Download e-call letter for Computer Based Test for various posts of NTPC (Graduate) against CEN No. 03/2015.’
iv). The applicants will be redirected to a new page after clicking on the above mentioned link.
v). On the redirected page aspirants must fill their User ID and Password (DD/MM/YYYY) in the space given for that purpose.
vi). When the aspirants have finished filling details in the specified space they must click on the ‘Login’ button to download the admit cards.
vii). After downloading the call letters job hunters must print hard copy of the same and carry it with them for the computer based test.
viii). Contenders must not forget to carry their admit cards with them.
To download RRB Bhubaneswar CEN 03/2015 Admit Cards 2016 click here