RRC Allahabad Admit Card 2016
Railway Recruitment Cell (RRC) Allahabad (North Central Railway) has recently released the call letter for the process of Document Verification for Group D posts against the Advertisement No. 01/2015.Candidates who have applied for the above mentioned posts are requested to download the Call Letter from the official website of RRC Allahabad.
View More Latest Admit Card Details
Guidelines to the Candidates for downloading RRC Allahabad Admit Card 2016
Candidates, who have applied for Group D posts, should keep the Roll Number, generated during their submission of application form.
In order to download the call letter candidates will have to log on to the official website of Railway Recruitment Cell Allahabad – www.rrcald.org
In the Home page of the website, candidates will have to visit the Notice Board section in order to get the useful link for downloading the call letter.
In the Notice Board section, the candidates will have to click on the link – Click Here to Download Call Letter
In order to download the Call Letter, the candidates will have to enter the Roll Number and Date of Birth in DD/MM/YYYY format and then Login.
After clicking on Login button, the candidate will be able to download the Call Letter.
The candidates are requested to read all the instructions mentioned in the Call Letter very carefully.
Candidates are requested to check the detail mentioned in the Call Letter (Spelling of name ,Date of Birth etc)
Candidates are requested to bring the Call Letter with them for the Document Verification process.
Candidates will have to bring all the relevant documents for the Document Verification process.
Important Dates for RRC Allahabad Admit 2016
Date of Document Verification- 08-08-2016 to 17-08-2016 (tentatively)
For Downloading RRC Allahabad Admit Card 2016- Click Here
For more information regarding the candidates are requested to visit the official website of Railway Recruitment Cell, Allahabad .
For Official Website of Railway Recruitment Cell, Allahabad- Click Here
RRB Allahabad Admit Card 2016
RRB (Railway Recruitment Board) Allahabad has announced to issue e-call letters for job hunters for attending CEN 03/2015’s computer based test. The test is scheduled to be conducted in the month of March / April 2016. The duration of examination will be 90 minutes. Aspirants can download their admit cards by visiting RRB (Railway Recruitment Board) Allahabad’s official web portal : rrbald.gov.in . The computer based test will be conducted in 3 shifts and aspirants must read all required instructions (available on the website) before appearing for the test. Further steps of downloading the e-call letters are given below :
Procedure to download the RRB Allahabad Admit Card 2016 :
1). Job seekers who have applied for various positions under the Centralized Employment Notice (CEN) 03/2015 must first and foremost visit the official web portal of RRB (Railway Recruitment Board) Allahabad : rrbald.gov.in .
2). On the home page of the website job seekers will be able to see various hyperlinks of admit cards and other notifications.
3). Applicants must look for the link ‘Download of e-Call letter for RRB-NTPC (Graduate) examination’ and click on it.
4). On clicking the above mentioned link job hunters will be redirected to a new page.
5). On the page at which candidates have been redirected they will be able to see the candidates’ login.
6). Job seekers must enter their User ID and password (i.e., the date of birth in the format of DD/MM/YYYY).
7). After entering all required details job seekers must click on the ‘Login’ button to download their admit cards.
8). After downloading the admit cards aspirants must take print out of the same and bring it with them at the time of computer based test.
Click here for downloading RRB Allahabad CEN 03/2015 Admit Card 2016