Punjab University Admit Card 2014- 15
Punjab University has issued admit card for its CET examination which is going to place very soon in the University or at prescribed locations. The candidates who are desirous for admittance can have their admit card downloaded from the official website via the procedure as prescribed below…
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Physics: Kinematics, Physical world and measurements, Laws of motion, Motion of system of participles and rigid body, Work, Energy and Power, Gravitation, Thermodynamics, Properties of bulk matter, Behavior of perfect gas and kinetic theory, Electro statistics, Oscillation and Waves, Current Electricity, Electromagnetic induction and alternating currents, Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism, Electromagnetic waves, Dual nature of matter and radiation, Optics, Atoms and nuclei, Communication systems, Electronic Devices
Mathematics: Algebra, Sets and Functions, Co-ordinate Geometry, Mathematical Reasoning, Calculus, Relations and Functions, Calculus, Algebra, Vectors and Three dimensional Geometry, Probability, Linear Programming
Chemistry: Structure of Atom, Some Basic concepts of chemistry, Classification of Elements and periodicity of properties, States of matter, gases and liquids, Chemical bonding and molecular structure, Thermodynamics, Equibrilium, Hydrogen, Redox Reaction, s-Block Elements, Organic Chemistry, Group 14 Elements, Hydrocarbons, Solid State, Environmental Chemistry, Solutions, Chemical Kinetics, Electrochemistry, Surface Chemistry, p- Block Elements, General Principles and processes of isolation of elements, d and f Block Elements, Haloalkelines and Haloarenes, Co-ordination compounds, Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers, Organic Compunds containing nitrogen, Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids, Bimolecular, Chemistry in everyday life, Polymers
Biotechnology: Biomolecules, Introduction to Biotechnology, Cell and Development, Protein and Gene Manipulation, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Cell Culture and Genetic Manupilation
How to download Punjab University Admit Card 2014- 15:
1. Head on PU CET website before other things.
2. After being there on the page, Log in mentioning your ID & Password.
3. Enter your details that are required.
4. In a short while, the admit card will flash on the Screen.
5. Click to save ant print the appeared page for further use.
Website: cetug.puchd.ac.in