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Orissa JEE Admit Card 2014- 15

The Orissa JEE is held by Central Board of Secondary Education also known as CBSE. The admission hunters can take help of the information given below and obtain their admit card for their examination accordingly by going on the web URL of the authority. Here, we have detailed the exam and procedure for the attainment of admit card in the below given sections.

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Orissa JEE Syllabus for:-

Mathematics –

Algebra: Summation of series, relations and functions, Algebra sets, Progressions (Harmonic, Arithmetic and Geometric), complex numbers, Partial fractions, logarithms.

Differential and Integral Calculus: Maxima and Minima,, Limit-Continuity- Differentiability, Leibniz theorem (definition and applications), Successive differentiation, Mean Value Theorems (Role’s and Lagrange’s definitions), Indefinite and definite integrals, Maxima and Minima, Trapezoidal, Partial differentiation, Simpson’s rules of integration

Statistics: Median, Mean, Mode, mean deviation, moments, standard deviation, Moments, regression and correlation.

Probability: Probability, Baye’s theorem, conditional probability, Binomial, normal distributions, Poisson.

Coordinate Geometry: Distance between two points, collinear points, section formulae, centroid, Translation and rotation of coordinates, perpendicular and parallel conditions, plane, Straight-line (normal form, slope-intercept form, slope, intercept form), perpendicular lines; parallel lines; intersection of two lines; line passing through intersection of two lines, Angle between two lines, foot of perpendicular, circle passing through extremities of a diameter, circle given center and radius, great circle, circle passing through three points.


Logical Reasoning

Sentence Correction and Comprehension

Procedure of Obtaining Orissa JEE Admit Card 2014- 15:

1- First of all, all the participants shall visit the official website of the Board.

2- Find the various links in the notice section of the page.

3- Now look for “Admit Card” links.

4- Thereon, select the “Orissa JEE Admit Card” link.

5- Fill up all the information one by one as it is asked by the page.

6- Hit on “Enter” link.

7- Get some print out of your admit card so as to have the further utilization.

Web Address: odishajee.com