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NPCC Result 2016

Final results for the position of Management Trainee (Civil) have been declared by NPCC (National Projects Construction Corporation Limited). Job hunters who have been selected for the position of Management Trainee (Civil) must report latest by 21st of March, 2016. Job hunters who have applied for the specified position can check their results by visiting the official web portal of National Projects Construction Corporation Limited : npcc.gov.in . Further details regarding the download of results are given as under :

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Steps for downloading NPCC Management Trainee (Civil) Results 2016 :

i). First of all, job hunters who have applied for the position of Management Trainee (Civil) must visit the official web portal of National Projects Construction Corporation Limited : npcc.gov.in .

ii). After visiting the official web portal of NPCC job hunters must click on the link ‘Career’.

iii). After clicking the above mentioned link job hunters will be redirected to another page.

iv). On the redirected page job hunters click on the top most link ‘List of selected candidates to whom appointment letter dated 29.02.2016 was issued for Management Trainee (Civil).’

v). On clicking the above mentioned link a pdf file will get downloaded.

vi). The pdf file contains the list of applicants selected for the position of Management Trainee (Civil).

viii). Candidates who get selected for the above mentioned position must report to General Manager (HR), NPCC Limited, Plot no.67-68, Sector-25 Faridabad – Haryana  on or before 21st of March, 2016.

ix). Appointment letters have been issued to applicants selected for the position of Management Trainee.

x). Job seekers must carry all the required documents at the time of reporting to the specified address.

xi). Selected applicants must get ready for further steps involved in the recruitment process.

Click this link for downloading NPCC Management Trainee (Civil) Results 2016