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NIMS University Admit Cards 2014 available online for download at nimsuniversity.org

The NIMS University is a UGC recognized university imparting higher education in the following main disciplines: Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry, Business Management, Engineering, Nursing and Human Sciences respectively. Established in the year 2008 as the National Institute of Medical Sciences, the college was later upgraded to a university.  The NIMS University courses are available in both regular as well as distance modes to the candidates applying. The university invites admissions to its different courses through the common entrance exam as conducted for this purpose.

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The term end examinations for all the university courses are held twice a year in the months of January and July respectively. The applicants are provided exam schedules online at the website for all the university examinations. The sample question papers are also available for the appearing candidates to download online at the website.

Criteria for Downloading NIMS University Admit Cards 2014 Online:-

-The applicants can download their online admit cards from the website of NIMS University.

-To download the NIMS University Admit Cards, candidates should search the links online at the website for university examinations.

-Click on the active links for downloading admit card of university different examinations.

-Enter your roll numbers/ application number as may be required for this purpose.

-Download and take print outs for all the NIMS University Examination Admit Cards.

The candidates can also access their admit cards directly from the website “News” section of website home page. The applicants must carry their admit cards in the examination centres as entries without it are strictly prohibited. The applicants who don’t find their admit card online must contact the concerned university department responsible for this purpose.

To download your NIMS University Admit Cards 2014 online, click here