NEST Exam Pattern 2014
NEST (National Entrance Screening Test) is mandatory exam for the candidates who want to study in NISER (National Institute of Science Education and Research), Bhubaneswar and Department of Atomic Energy Centre for Excellence in Basic Sciences (UM-DAE CBS), Mumbai. The examination pattern of NEST and the related information is elaborated in the following sections…
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NEST Exam Pattern 2014
The NEST exam comprised of five sections. The nature of exam is objective multiple type questions. The name of the sections is given below:
Section1. General Science: The questions are framed to assess candidates’ knowledge towards scientific facts and understanding as well as cognizance skills. There is no negative marking on wrong attempt.
Section2. Physics: The questions are related with the topics covered in Physics at Intermediate level.
Section3.Chemistry: The questions are related with the topics covered in Chemistry at Intermediate level.
Section4.Mathematics: The questions are related with the topics covered in Mathematics at Intermediate level.
Section5.Biology: The questions are related with the topics covered in Biology at Intermediate level.
Important Notes:
1. The candidates are required to attempt any four of the above sections.
2. There will be negative marking for the wrong answer from section 2 to 5.
3. The question paper will be set in English only.
4. The answer has to be marked in OMR Sheet in pencil.
5. The Admit card should be brought along with Identity Card (School Id) at the exam venue.
6. The candidates can make entry in the examination hall up to 10 AM.
7. The candidates can leave the exam room after completion of 60 minutes.
NEST Exam Timing: 10 AM to 1 PM
Click here for NEST Application Form Details
NEST 2014 Crucial Dates:
Written Exam Date: 31st May, 2014 (Saturday)
Admit Card Downloading: 8th April, 2014
Result Announces: 20th June, 2014
Click here to get more details regarding Exam Pattern of NEST
Official Website of NEST: