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National Open School Admit Card 2014

National Open School is a National Institute providing high school and intermediate courses on private exam basis. The National Open School holds examination each year for those who cannot take up regular classes; they can study as per their wish and come to give the said examination on the respective dates at the provided venue. All you need to do is to download your admit card from the authorized web address of the Institute and bring the same to your concerned examination center along. The contenders who have made the applications should read the information as provided below.

Subjects offered by National Open School – Hindi, Bengali, English, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Commerce (Business Studies), Mathematics, Home Science, Geography, Accountancy, Political Science, Sociology, Computer Science, History, Painting, typewriting / stenography, Psychology, Secretarial Practice, Word Processing, Data Entry Operations and Mass Communication.

View more for Latest Admit Card Details

The candidates those who have registered must be in possession of their admit card while attending the National Open School. Here are the details be which you can have your admit card downloaded from the official website of the Institute. Find more details at the points specified below.

How to download National Open School Admit Card:

a. All the participants, to download their admit card must visit the official address (URL) of National Open School first of all.

b. Now the applicants need to shuffle on the home page to find latest news section of the site.

c. After finding the aforementioned link, search now for “National Open School Admit Card” link and click after finding the same.

d. Now, in order to open your admit card, there are certain details which are to be filled there such as – “Roll Number and then Answer the Security Question”.

e. Click on submit to after you have filled all the info.

f. The page will then flash your admit card and you can then easily download and take hard copy of the admit card that is downloaded by you

Registered Web Portal: nios.ac.in