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Narsee Monjee Admit Card 2014 details of online download for NMAT at nmims.edu

The Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS) invites admission to its different courses through the common entrance test conducted for this purpose. The official entrance exam for SVKMs Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies –School of Business Management is called as NMAT (NMIMS Management Aptitude Test). The entrance exam provides admissions in the following full time management programmes: MBA (Finance/ Information Systems/ Marketing/ Operation & Decision Sciences), MBA Human Resources, MBA Pharmaceutical Management, PGDM (Bangalore Campus) and PGDM (Hyderabad Campus) respectively.

Click here for Latest Admit Card Details

The minimum eligibility for participating in the concerned entrance exam is graduation in the concerned disciplines from a recognized university of India with a minimum of 50% marks obtained in it. The NMAT 2015 is scheduled to be held online from 7th October 2014 to 20th October 2014 respectively. The online registrations for the NMAT 2014 have already commenced at the website specified from 2nd July 2014 to 24th September 2014. The admit cards shall be made available to the candidates eligible online as soon as the candidates schedule their test for this purpose.

Details for Narsee Monjee Entrance Exam Admit Cards 2014 –

The applicants will be required to carry their NMAT Admit Cards with them at the time of CD/ PI as a final process for selection. The results of all the written qualified candidates shall be made available online at the website of NMIMS for this purpose.

The admit card /call letter for NMAT 2015 should be downloaded online from the website of university at nmims.edu. The applicants must carry their NMAT 2015 Admit Card with them in the CD/ PI process held subsequently after the written exam.

To download your Narsee Monjee Entrance Exam Admit Cards 2014, click here