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Mysore University Admit Cards 2014 available online for download at uni-mysore.ac.in

The University Of Mysore (UOM) invites admissions every year in the different examinations available in Arts, Commerce and Law streams under university departments. The university follows a central process for conducting admissions through its online portal of admissions. The applicants may avail admissions under different post graduate courses through the Post Graduate Entrance Examination held for this purpose in the June/ July months every year.

Click here for Latest Admit Card Details

The University of Mysore has four campuses located in the following places: Manasagangothri, Mandya, Hassan and Chamarajanagar respectively. The candidates can get all the details regarding admissions and courses from the university website at uni-mysore.ac.in. The major disciplines under which university courses can be availed include the following: Arts, Science & Technology, Commerce & Management, Education and Law respectively. The applicants are required to submit online application for getting admissions in different courses of university at the online admission portal. The applicants must create their own account by their unique user name and passwords as provided for this purpose. This account can be used for further downloading admit cards and any other information related to examination.

Online Downloading Procedure for Mysore University Admit Cards 2014:-

i) The Mysore University Admit Cards can be downloaded online from the website of university at uni-mysore.ac.in.

ii) Go to the online admission portal of the website available at the website main page.

iii) Find the login window for online admissions as made available on the specified section of website.

iv) Enter the username and password as provided at the time of online registrations.

v) Save and print the admit cards after downloading it online at the website.

The candidates can also directly access their admit cards for university entrance examinations from the link as given here below.

Click here to download the Mysore University Admit Cards 2014