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MAST Exam Pattern 2014 Details of Examination Scheme and Selection Criteria

The Management Aptitude & Skill Test (MAST) is the qualifying entrance exam conducted for all those management pass outs that have been unable to get job opportunities. The Management Aptitude & Skill Test is the intermediary exam between the recruiter and the candidates for getting employed. The exam is held every year in computer based formats by the AIMA (All India Management Association).

Given below are the complete details of the paper pattern and eligibility criteria for all the applicants to go through for the concerned exam.

View more for MAST Application form Details

Name of Exam: Management Aptitude & Skills Test

Conducting Authority: All India Management Association

Eligibility for Exam:

The applicant should be in the final year of the qualifying degree exam i.e. MBA (Master of Business Administration)/ PGDM (Post Graduate Diploma in Management) with a minimum work experience of 0-3 years for this purpose.

Examination Scheme:

The Management Aptitude & Skills Test shall be having three main sections:

Section I: Psychometric Assessment

Section II: General Aptitude and

Section III: Domain Knowledge

The candidates will be tested on the following grounds under these sections:

Section I: Psychometric Assessment

Stability; Initiator; Leadership; Stress Management; Ethical Values; Team Work; Adaptability; Negotiation Skills and Decision Making Ability respectively

Section II: General Aptitude

Numerical Ability and Managerial Ability; Reasoning and English Language respectively

Section III: Domain Knowledge

HR (Human Resources); IT (Information technology); IB (International Business); Marketing; Operations respectively

The Domain Knowledge section shall have about 50% of questions i.e. 15 out of 30 questions in the case-study type form.

Click here for MAST Challan Form Details

Modes of Examination:

The Management Aptitude & Skill Test will be conducted in the online modes using CBT (Computer based Test) formats only. The test shall be consisting of objective type multiple choice questions on the above stated topics.

The MAST Scores shall be considered valid for a period of one year only from the date of the result declaration. The Admit Cards for the MAST applicants is made available at least 15 days before the date of conduct of examination at the AIMA website.

To get more information on the MAST Exam Pattern, click here