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Managing Animals in Your Lego Fortnite Farm

Post Last Updates by Ankit: Tuesday, January 9, 2024 @ 11:00 AM

How to Attract Animals to Your Farm in Lego Fortnite: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Attract Animals to Your Farm in Lego Fortnite

News: On December 7th, 2023, Lego Fortnite introduced a survival crafting game mode that seamlessly merges the renowned Fortnite universe with the imaginative world of LEGO construction. This expansive open-world experience encourages players of every age group to embark on a journey of exploration, creativity, and collaboration, providing a platform for fostering innovation and experimentation through gameplay. Within the realm of Lego Fortnite, players are tasked with the primary goal of constructing their own village inhabited by familiar Fortnite characters, guided by beloved figures such as the iconic “Brite Bomber.”

Step 1: Build a Pen

Begin by constructing a pen on your farm to house animals once they’ve been enticed. This designated area will guarantee that the animals remain in a centralized location, making it convenient for resource collection.

Step 2: Identify Animal Preferences

Diverse animals exhibit different preferences. Collect berries, corn, and vines to cater to their varied tastes. Providing a variety of food options will attract a broader range of animals to your farm.

Step 3: Create a Food Path

Next, locate a group of cows, sheep, or chickens and scatter their favorite food on the ground. Create a trail of their preferred treats leading to the pen, enticing the animals to follow the path and eventually end up inside the enclosure.

Step 4: Observe Animal Interest

Be vigilant for a question mark appearing above the animals’ heads. This symbolizes their interest in the food path you’ve established. When you observe this symbol, it indicates that the animals are intrigued and are likely to follow the food trail into the pen.

Step 5: Enclose Animals in the Pen

After successfully luring the animals into the pen, enclose the area by placing a nearby fence. This step guarantees that the animals stay within the designated space and prevents them from wandering off.

Step 6: Utilize Animal Resources

Now that your farm is populated with animals, it’s time to capitalize on their resources. Engage with chickens for eggs, shear sheep for wool, and milk cows for, well, milk. These materials are pivotal for crafting in Lego Fortnite and simplify the resource-gathering process for your farm and village.

Why are animals indispensable in Lego Fortnite? As mentioned earlier, animals yield valuable materials like eggs, wool, and milk—essential components for crafting recipes. With a steady supply of these resources on your farm, you can save time and concentrate on other aspects of the game. Animals serve as a readily available resource, streamlining the resource-gathering experience.

If, however, you prefer a more dynamic approach or relish the thrill of hunting, you can venture into the game’s world to hunt wild animals for resources. Although this method may demand more time and effort compared to maintaining animals on your farm, it adds an extra layer of excitement for players who enjoy hunting simulations.

In Lego Fortnite, you have the freedom to choose the method that aligns with your play style and resource-gathering preferences. Whether you opt to establish a farm and attract animals or go for the thrill of hunting, each option offers its own distinct advantages and experiences.

Lego Fortnite’s gameplay introduces iconic Fortnite skins transformed into LEGO characters, enabling players to gather materials from the environment and construct structures using LEGO blocks. The dynamic combat system includes a dodge roll mechanic, allowing players to engage in battles with both wildlife and nighttime enemies. The introduction of dungeons and mines broadens the exploration aspect of the game, while the day-night cycle adds a new dimension to gameplay.

To enrich the combat experience, a variety of weapons such as swords, shields, and bows are at players’ disposal. Crafting mechanics empower players to create elements like dynamite, expanding their arsenal for battles and resource gathering.

In summary, Lego Fortnite offers a novel and captivating experience by fusing the allure of LEGO with the vibrant Fortnite universe. Whether you choose to cultivate a farm and attract animals or embark on thrilling hunting expeditions, the game presents myriad possibilities for creativity, exploration, and collaboration. Grab your LEGO blocks and commence your adventure in the Lego Fortnite universe today!


Q: Can I attract other animals besides cows, sheep, and chickens?

A: Yes, you can attract other animals like pigs and horses by providing their preferred food options on your farm. Experiment with different types of food to see which animals are drawn to them.

Q: Can I breed animals on my farm?

A: Yes, once you have animals in your pen, you can breed them by providing them with the necessary resources and creating the right conditions. This will allow you to expand your farm and increase your animal population.

Q: Are there any rare or exclusive animals in Lego Fortnite?

A: Yes, Lego Fortnite introduces special event animals that are only available for a limited time. Keep an eye out for these unique creatures and make sure to attract them to your farm for exclusive rewards.

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