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MAH MCA Result 2014

The MAH MCA CET Examination 2014 was successfully constituted on 30th of March 2014 by the Directorate of Technical Education, Maharashtra at the several centers as arranged previously before the examination was taken in all over the State of Maharashtra. The examination was taken with the objective to have eligible students selected for the programmes offered by the Board. A lot of candidates every year participate in this exam so as to have admitted in the courses of their preference which suits their eligibility. The applicants should refer the points mentioned below to take assistance of at the time of downloading their results. It is advised to all the applicants that they should keep visiting the official website of the board to have current updates.

Click here for Latest Exam Result Details

The Directorate of Technical Education, Maharashtra has off lately announced a notification regarding the declaration of their results of MAH MCA CET Examination 2014. The appeared applicants should go through the below given details.

Way to download MAH MCA Result 2014:

1. Firstly, the participated candidates are suggested to refer the official notification.

2. Click on the “Notice” section of the website.

3. Select “MAH MCA Result”.

4. Enter the required details.

5. Hit on “Submit”.

6. Result will then display on your screen.

Official Website: dtemaharashtra.gov.in