LSAT Exam Pattern 2014 Pattern of Question Paper and Selection Criteria
The LSAT (Law School Admission Test) is the qualifying entrance exam conducted for admitting eligible applicants in the different under graduate as well as post graduate courses in Law. The LSAT is the standard test which is held at least four times a year at the different centres of examination throughout the world. The Law School Admission Test is designed by the LSAC (Law School Admission Council) of USA. The scores of the concerned entrance exam is accepted by different law schools of India.
Given below are the complete details of the paper pattern which includes- section wise questions and marking criteria for all the applicants in the LSAT to go through.
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Name of Exam: Law School Admission Test
Conducting Authority: Law School Admission Council, USA
Courses of Admission:
1. Three year LLB Course
2. Two Year LLM Course
3. Five Year Integrated LLB Courses respectively
Eligibility for Exam:
The candidates in order to avail admissions in the two year LLM Course must have completed their graduation of three years duration in Law from any BCI (Bar Council of India) recognized law colleges/ universities in India for this purpose.
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Scheme of Examination:
The LSAT shall consist of mainly four sections in the exam having following three types of questions:
Reading Comprehension
Analytical Reasoning and
Logical Reasoning
Section Wise Details of Questions:
Section I: Analytical Reasoning (24 Questions)
Duration of Exam: 35 Minutes
Section II: Logical Reasoning -1st (24 Questions)
Duration of Exam: 35 Minutes
Logical Reasoning- 2nd (24 Questions)
Duration of Exam: 35 Minutes
Total Number of Section: 4 Sections
Total Number of Questions: 92-100
Total Time Allotted: 2 Hours and 20 Minutes
Marking Scheme:
The candidates will not be penalized for the incorrect questions and no deductions will be done for the unattempted questions in the exam by the applicants. Hence, the candidates can attempt as number of questions as they like to score more in the exam. Generally, scores above 82.5 is considered ideal for getting admissions in UG Courses of good colleges in India.
To get more details on the LSAT Paper Pattern, click here