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LDC Recruitment Application Form 2014 Application and Selection Details

The Lower Division Clerk (LDC) recruitment for different posts has been announced by the Customs Excise & Service Tax Appellate Tribunal for all the eligible candidates. The recruitment has been announced through an official notification released at the website of DAVP (Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity) with reference to the F. No. 42/ CESTAT/ RR/ 2000- Admn. Vol.II for the applicants to go through.

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Recruitment Details for LDC 2014:

Post Available: Lower Division Clerk

Total Vacancy: 23 Posts

Job Location: New Delhi

Scale of Pay: Pay Band I: Rs.5200- 20200 + Grade Pay of Rs1900

Terms of Employment:

Eligibility Conditions:

The candidates applying should be persons holding analogous posts in Central Government Department or any other similar organization with at least five years of work experience in the concerned grade.

Age Specifications: The candidates should be not exceeding 56 years of age with effect from the date of closing applications i.e. 14th May 2014.

Selection Criteria:

The candidates should appear in the written examination held by the selection authority for this purpose. Only those candidates will be allowed to appear in the written exam who have the requisite eligibility as needed for this purpose.

Application Formats:

Offline applications are invited along with the complete Bio Data of all the applicants and the mark sheets/ certificates of the qualifying degree exam as stated for this purpose. The candidates should also enclose the following with their applications: Vigilance Clearance Certificates, Integrity Certificate, Cadre Clearance Certificate and any other document as needed. The candidates should apply before the last date as prescribed for this purpose by sending their applications to the following address:

Registrar Customs Excise & Service Tax Appellate Tribunal,

West Block No. 2,

R.K. Puram,

New Delhi- 66.

Last Date of Applying: 14th May 2014

For more details on the LDC Recruitment 2014, the candidates should check the link as given below.

Click here for Official Notification