Sarkariexam brings the information of LDC answer key 2014-2015.
LDC has just conducted exam & all candidates will be curious and worried to know how they have performed in exams. So to make their life ease team is working hard to bring all the possible answer key of questions asked on LDC exam.
Exam Name for which answer key will be released: LDC
Exam Date: 21st December 2011
Official website address of LDC:
Course/Post for which exam is conducted:LDC
1a 2a 3a 4b 5a 6c 7a 8c 9b 10 11a 12c 13d 14a 15c 16c 17a 18a 19b 20a 21a 22c 23d 24d 25d 26a 27c 28b 29a 30a 31d 32c 33b 34a 35b 36a 37c 38d 39d 40a 41a 42c 43c 44b 45d 46d 47b 48a 49c 50a 51c 52b 53c 54b 55a 56d 57 58c 59a 60c 61a 62a 63a 64b 65c 66b 67c 68b 69c 70b 71d 72a 73d 74b 75b 76c 77a 78a 79d 80b 81b 82a 83a 84c 85c 86b 87c 88a 89a 90b 91c 92a 93d 94c 95a 96a 97b 98a a 99c 100d
Please visit official website and ensure all correctness of the information regarding the LDC answer key.
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