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KEAM Exam Results 2014 for Medical & Engineering Courses Admissions

The Kerala Engineering Agriculture Medical Degree Entrance Exam (KEAM) is conducted every year by the Commissionerate of Entrance Examination Kerala to provide admissions in some of the regular professional courses in the above specified above for this purpose. The courses offered for admissions through KEAM include the following: 3 year LLB, 5 year LLB, LLM, MCA, PG Ayurveda, PG Homeo, PG Nursing and Super Speciality respectively. The applicants selected in the entrance exam shall be allotted seats in colleges participating through a single window system of Centralized Allotment Process.

Click here for Latest Exam Result Details

The results for the following courses in KEAM have been declared online at the website: Engineering, Architecture and Medical Courses (MBBS/ BDS) respectively. The entrance exams for the following courses were conducted as on 21st April 2014, 22nd April 2014, 23rd April 2014 and 24th April 2014 respectively.

Online Results Accessing Procedure for KEAM Examinations 2014:

a) Visit the official website of KEAM at cee-kerala.org.

b) Go to the Results from the left hand side menu bar –KEAM 2014 Tab.

c) Find the rank lists published for the following courses: Architecture, Engineering and Medical Courses.

d) Click on “Get your results” to generate your exam results.

e) Download and save your results for all the courses as specified above.

f) Print the rank lists to be carried at the time of final admissions.

Click here to get KEAM Medical Entrance Exam Results 2014