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JEE exam syllabus 2013

JEE main exam syllabus has become very important question among the interested students because it is being held for the first time now onwards. So students have no idea and clue about the syllabus. So for the convenience it is being elaborate here.

Main exam syllabus will comprise of physical science, chemical science and mathematical science. This becomes very important because these papers are very large in terms of syllabus so selected topics are necessary for proper preparation. It will be same as previous AIEEE syllabus. But syllabus of advanced exam should be bear in mind that advanced exam will also include the same three subjects.

So now we will be taking mathematics first to name its topics-

•Algebra, trigonometry, three dimensions of Geometry, Calculus mathematic, vector diagrams.

Now chemistry topics are as follows-

general understanding of chemical sciences, electro chemical chapters, different states of mass, equilibrium, problem and solutions, solution as a chapter, kinetics, nuclear chemistry, about ores and minerals, deep study of non-metals, oxides, hydroxides and its properties, metallurgy, qualititative evaluation, knowledge of alkyls, alkynes, alkynes, carbohydrates properties, various polymers, acids and other chapters of organic chemistry.
Syllabus of physical science-

Following chapters are very important
Mechanics, thermodynamics, electricity, magnetism, light chapters, chapter of wave.