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ISTQB Exam Pattern

International Software Testing Qualification Board invites application from the eligible and interested candidates to build up their career in particular domain. it holds examination for various programs from basis to advanced .this examination is held on the international level and every year. Application process and all related mechanism is totally online no question of paper work is done here.

ISTQB Challan Form


In the year 2013 it will also be held for the technical students who want to make career in software testing field which is very much lucrative in terms of money and alimony on the international level so that hundreds of thousands of students applies every year for the ISTQB program of study. Applicant can get updates. News application form and admit card from the website www.istqb.in

ISTQB Exam Dates

Admit card is very necessary in this entrance examination without they will be barred to enter in the venue even an additional identity card is also necessary in this examination to corroborate the identity of the applicant.

Admit card must have the relevant information of the applicant like roll number, application number, and venue and time details. Most important things are that photograph and signature must be there scanned.