IIT Kanpur Exam Result 2014
The first admission offer list is expected to be uploaded on 16th June, 2014 (Monday) ataround 11.00 AM. However, due to some candidates not satisfying MEQ requirements at some institute the result announcement is deferred until tomorrow (17th June, 2014). You need to login to the site using your counseling user ID and password to view the first admission result. The detailed instructions for payment of seat booking fees, and other formalities concerning acceptance of admission offer will be available therein. The seating booking fee can only be paid through SBI Bank Challan.
View More For Latest Exam Result Details
Cost of Booking the Seats for Counseling:
For SC /ST / PD – INR 5050/-
For GEN / OBC / Foreign National – INR 10050/-
The facility for payment through Bank Challan will now be available during June 18th to 20th of June, 2014.
How to Get IIT Kanpur Exam Result:
1. Visit the link mentioned below.
2. Fill the Registration Number allotted to you of 07 digits.
2. Enter your Date of birth in dd/mm/yy format.
3. Now click on “View status”.
4. The newly opened page will display your result, save it for further assistance.
Authorized Web Portal: gate.iitk.ac.in/branch/
Visit the Link to get your Result