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Explore A Crowning Career With Confidence – Join Us For Updates On IAS Exam 2013

Indian Administrative Service (IAS) is the most prestigious job profiles of government service epitomizing the royal stature of service. IAS Exam 2013 is a bubbling dream for many and might be yours as well! This is one of the most competitive examinations with stringent selection norms which can be well summarized with its success figure of 0.3% of all applicants. A consistent preparation, dedicated endeavor and an overall self confidence is a vital requirement for appearing and clearing this examination. With the prevailing trend of immense popularity of public sector jobs, IAS exam is one of the most favored options for aspirants targeting for a glorious career in Government sector jobs.

IAS Exam Pattern

Who we are and what we offer for IAS Exam?

SarkariExam.com is one of the most promising information portals for offering a plethora of qualitative information on government sector openings in India. With an intension to offer the best and the most informative data regarding the upcoming IAS exam in 2013 we have dedicated a segregated web portal especially for this coveted examination. You can find us offering you extensive information on IAS Exam, the pattern of syllabus, the important schedule of events, the application procedure, the exam preparation guidance as well as the exam result for IAS Exam 2013.

Eligibility Criteria:
In order to be eligible to appear for the IAS examination you must have obtained a Degree in any discipline from a recognized university or institution. At the same time you should be within the age group of 21-30 years to appear for this examination. Although there will be some reservations for specific scheduled categories in the examination, but you need to be prepared on a general ground in order to secure your position on the final merit list.

Exam Pattern:
The exam pattern of IAS exam is broadly classified into two subsections, i.e, the Prelims (which is revamped as CSAT- Civil Service Aptitude Test, since 2011) and the Main exam.

The Preliminary exam will be of two papers of two hours duration and two hundred marks each (since 2011). The Paper-I will consist of questions from Indian politics, geography, history, economics, ecology, social policies, bio-diversities, etc. The Paper-II will consist of analytical ability, comprehension, interpersonal skills, logical reasoning, numerology, data processing, English language, etc.

The Main exam will also be of two parts, i.e., a written as well as a round of interview. The Written test will comprise of 9 (2 qualifying and 7 ranking) papers in English, Indian language, essay, elective paper (I, II and III, IV) and general studies (I & II).


The syllabus of IAS will be more biased towards analytical ability and will be from the general education up to the level of Graduation (10+2+3) standards. The preparation of your course of studies with emphasis on aptitude, reasoning and general knowledge will help you in preparation.
Important Dates (Tentative Schedule):
• Notification for Preliminary exam: December/ January 2013
• IAS exam Prelims (CSAT 2013): May/June 2013
• CSAT results: first fortnight of August 2013
• IAS Main Examination: October/ November 2013
• Results of Main Exam: Second week of March 2013
• Interview: April/ May 2013
• Final Result Merit list: Any day just before the next CSAT

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