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How to Fix / Solve Unable to Load Applications Please Verify Internet Connectivity on Steam Deck

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How to Resolve the “Unable to Load Applications Please Verify Internet Connectivity” Error on Steam Deck

How to Resolve the "Unable to Load Applications Please Verify Internet Connectivity" Error on Steam Deck

Reasons behind the “Unable to Load Applications Please Verify Internet Connectivity” Error on Steam Deck

News: The Steam Deck’s Discover feature is a useful tool for users seeking to uncover new games and content within the platform. Regrettably, a number of users have run into issues with this feature, resulting in error messages. As of now, Steam has not released an official statement addressing the root causes or solutions for this error. Nonetheless, we’ve uncovered several helpful workarounds that you can experiment with.

Steps to Fix the “Unable to Load Applications Please Verify Internet Connectivity” Error on Steam Deck

1. Check Your Internet Connection

The “unable to load applications” error can frequently be attributed to a weak or unreliable internet connection. It’s crucial to make certain that your Steam Deck is connected to a robust and stable Wi-Fi network or has a dependable cellular signal. To gauge the performance of your internet connection, consider testing your internet speed through websites such as or This can help you ascertain whether your connection is the source of any issues.

2. Set a Password in Command Line

Some users have reported success in resolving the issue by setting a password in the command line and running the command “sudo flatpak repair.” Implementing this workaround may help fix the error on your Steam Deck.

3. Verify Steam Server Status

Steam relies on its servers to provide users with access to their extensive library of games and content. Server issues or downtime can impact the Discover feature and other functionalities of the platform. If the error is due to server problems, there may not be much you can do on your end to resolve it. In such cases, it is advisable to visit the Steam Status page ( to check for any ongoing server issues. If there are server problems, you may need to wait until they are resolved or contact Steam’s customer support for further assistance.

4. Perform a Forced Restart

If you are experiencing problems with the Steam Deck applications, performing a forced restart on your device can be an effective troubleshooting step. To force restart your Steam Deck, press and hold the power button for approximately 10 seconds until the device powers off. After a few seconds, turn on the device by pressing and holding down the power button. This method can help eliminate any temporary glitches or software bugs that may be causing the Discover feature to malfunction. Check if the error has been resolved after the forced restart.

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5. Update Your Steam Deck’s Operating System

Updating your Steam Deck’s operating system to the latest version can often resolve any problems you are encountering with the applications. Software updates typically contain bug fixes and performance enhancements that can address any glitches or issues. To update your Steam Deck OS, navigate to the “Settings” menu, select “System,” and then choose “System Update.” If an update is available, follow the on-screen instructions to download and install it. After the OS update, restart your Steam Deck and check if the Discover feature is functioning correctly.

6. Uninstall and Reinstall Flathub and Flathub Beta Through Terminal

According to some users on Reddit, uninstalling and reinstalling Flathub and Flathub Beta through the terminal has helped them resolve the issue. The Discover feature relies on the Flathub repository to display and recommend new games and content. Any glitches or conflicts with Flathub could cause problems with the Discover feature. Uninstalling and reinstalling Flathub and Flathub Beta can reset these components to their default state, eliminating any software bugs or configuration issues that may be interfering with the Discover feature. Follow these steps to uninstall and reinstall Flathub and Flathub Beta:

  • Open the terminal on your Steam Deck.
  • Run the command “flatpak uninstall –delete-data flathub” to uninstall Flathub.
  • Run the command “flatpak uninstall –delete-data flathub-beta” to uninstall Flathub Beta.
  • Run the command “flatpak remote-delete flathub-beta” to remove Flathub Beta from your remote list.
  • Run the command “flatpak remote-add –if-not-exists flathub-beta” to add Flathub Beta back to your remote list.
  • Run the command “flatpak install flathub org.flathub.Steam” to install Flathub.

Contact Steam Support

If none of the above solutions resolve the issue, it may be necessary to contact Steam support for further assistance. They can provide additional guidance and help troubleshoot the problem. To contact Steam support, visit the Steam support page ( and submit a support ticket.

Encountering the “Unable to Load Applications Please Verify Internet Connectivity” error on your Steam Deck can indeed be exasperating. However, there are multiple steps you can follow to rectify it. By ensuring the stability of your internet connection, setting a password in the command line, confirming Steam server status, executing a forced restart, keeping your operating system up-to-date, uninstalling and reinstalling Flathub and Flathub Beta, and reaching out to Steam support when needed, you can significantly enhance your chances of resolving the error and relishing uninterrupted gaming on your Steam Deck.


Q: What should I do if none of the troubleshooting steps work?

A: If none of the troubleshooting steps mentioned above resolve the issue, it is recommended to contact Steam support for further assistance.

Q: Can a weak internet connection cause the “Unable to Load Applications Please Verify Internet Connectivity” error?

A: Yes, a weak or unstable internet connection can often be the cause of this error. Make sure you are connected to a stable and strong Wi-Fi network or have a reliable cellular signal.

Q: How can I check the status of Steam servers?

A: You can visit the Steam Status page ( to check for any ongoing server issues that may be causing the error.

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