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How to Fix / Solve Steam Deck Discover Not Working

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How to Troubleshoot Issues with Steam Deck Discover

How to Troubleshoot Issues with Steam Deck Discover

News: The Steam Deck, a portable gaming marvel by Valve Corporation, enables users to enjoy PC gaming on the fly. Yet, a notable number of users have voiced concerns about the Discover feature’s functionality. In the following article, we will delve into the potential causes of this problem and offer solutions to rectify it.

Why is Steam Deck Discover Not Working?

The Steam Deck’s Discover feature serves as a gateway for users to discover new games and content on the platform, enriching their gaming experience and expanding their collection. Regrettably, numerous users have shared their experiences of this feature encountering issues. Even after scouring various forums, no official communication from Steam has shed light on the root causes or potential fixes for this problem. Nevertheless, we’ve assembled a set of useful workarounds that you can experiment with to address this situation.

How to Fix Steam Deck Discover Not Working

1. Check Your Internet Connection

A poor internet connection can cause the Discover feature to malfunction. Ensure that your device is connected to a stable and strong Wi-Fi network or has a good cellular signal. You can test your internet speed using websites like or to determine if there are any issues with your connection speed.

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2. Set a Password in Command Line

Some users have been able to fix the issue by setting a password in the command line and running the command “sudo flatpak repair”. Give this a try to see if it resolves the problem.

3. Check Steam Server Status

Steam’s extensive library of games and content is made accessible to users through its servers. However, server issues or downtime can potentially impact the Discover feature and other functionalities of the platform. If you experience issues with the Discover feature due to server problems, there may not be much you can do on your end to resolve it, as it would be a server-side problem. In such cases, it is recommended to check Steam’s Status page to see if any ongoing server issues could be affecting the feature.

4. Force Restart the Device

If you are encountering problems with the Steam Deck Discover feature, performing a force restart on your device can be an effective troubleshooting step. To force restart your Steam Deck, simply press and hold the power button for approximately 10 seconds until the device powers off. Then, wait a few seconds and turn on the device by pressing and holding down the power button. This method can help eliminate any temporary glitches or software bugs that may be causing the Discover feature to malfunction. After the force restart, check to see if the issue with the Steam Deck Discover feature has been resolved.

5. Update Your Steam Deck Operating System

Updating the operating system on your Steam Deck device to the latest version may resolve any problems you are experiencing with the Discover feature. Software updates typically contain bug fixes and performance enhancements, which can address any glitches or issues you are encountering. To update your Steam Deck OS, navigate to the “Settings” menu, choose “System,” and then select “System Update.” If an update is available, follow the on-screen instructions to download and install it. Once the OS update is complete, restart your Steam Deck device and verify if the Discover feature is now functioning correctly.

6. Uninstall and Reinstall Flathub and Flathub Beta through Terminal

According to a Reddit user, uninstalling and reinstalling Flathub and Flathub Beta through the terminal was a workaround that helped resolve the issue for them. It is possible that this solution may also work for you. The Discover feature relies on the Flathub repository to display and recommend new games and content. Glitches or conflicts with Flathub could cause issues with the Discover feature. Uninstalling and reinstalling Flathub and Flathub Beta can help reset these components to their default state, eliminating any software bugs or configuration issues that may be interfering with the Discover feature. Follow these steps to reinstall Flathub and Flathub Beta:

  • Open the terminal on your Steam Deck.
  • Type the following command to uninstall Flathub: flatpak uninstall –delete-data flathub
  • Type the following command to uninstall Flathub Beta: flatpak uninstall –delete-data flathub-beta
  • Type the following command to remove Flathub Beta from your remote list: flatpak remote-delete flathub-beta
  • Type the following command to add Flathub Beta back to your remote list: flatpak remote-add –if-not-exists flathub-beta
  • Type the following command to install Flathub: flatpak install flathub org.flathub.Steam

7. Contact Steam Support

If none of the above solutions work, you may need to contact Steam support for further assistance. They can provide additional guidance and help you troubleshoot the issue. To reach Steam support, visit the Steam support page and submit a support ticket.

To sum it up, encountering troubles with the Steam Deck Discover feature can be vexing, but there are several actions you can take to overcome this challenge. From verifying your internet connection to updating the operating system and diligently following the troubleshooting guidelines provided in this article, you can enhance the likelihood of restoring the proper functionality of the Discover feature. Should all else falter, do not hesitate to reach out to Steam support for additional assistance. Wishing you happy gaming adventures!


Q: Why is the Discover feature not working on my Steam Deck?

A: The Discover feature on Steam Deck may not be working due to various reasons such as internet connection issues, server problems, or software bugs. The article provides troubleshooting steps to help you resolve the issue.

Q: How can I check the Steam server status?

A: You can check the status of Steam servers by visiting the Steam Server Status page at [Steam Server Status]( This will give you information about any ongoing server issues that could be affecting the Discover feature.

Q: What should I do if none of the troubleshooting steps work?

A: If none of the troubleshooting steps resolve the issue with the Steam Deck Discover feature, you can contact Steam support for further assistance. Visit the Steam support page and submit a support ticket for additional guidance.

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