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How to Fix / Solve Starfield Phased Time Bug

Post Last Updates by Amit: Thursday, October 19, 2023 @ 3:11 PM

How to Resolve the Starfield Phased Time Bug

How to Resolve the Starfield Phased Time Bug

News: Are you having trouble using the Phased Time Power feature in Starfield? Many players have reported being stuck when trying to utilize this power, which can be frustrating and impact your gaming experience. We understand your frustration and are here to help you find a solution to this issue!

Introduction to Starfield

Starfield is an action-packed role-playing game published by Bethesda, offering players a unique setting after the Elder Scrolls series. However, like any new game, it is not without its problems and bugs that can confuse and frustrate players. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind the Phased Time bug in Starfield and provide you with easy fixes to resolve this issue.

What Causes the Phased Time Bug in Starfield?

The Phased Time bug in Starfield is caused by a system error within the game. Many players have encountered this issue while attempting to use the Phased Time Power feature. Unfortunately, the developers have yet to release a patch to address this bug. However, there are a few temporary fixes you can try until the patch becomes available. We will discuss these potential solutions in detail below.

How to Fix the Starfield Phased Time Bug

To resolve the Phased Time bug in Starfield, you can try the following solutions:

1. Interact With Something

One possible fix is to interact with any object or element within the game. For example, sitting in a chair can sometimes resolve the bug and allow you to continue playing without any issues.

2. Load Your Saved File

Another solution is to load a previously saved file from before you encountered the bug. Many players have reported that by doing so, they were able to use the Phased Time Power without experiencing the bug. Please note that this fix may result in the loss of progress made since that saved file.

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3. Access the Dashboard

Some players have found that quitting the game, accessing the dashboard, and then restarting the game resolves the Phased Time bug. You can try this method by opening the dashboard before relaunching the game after a period of time has passed.

4. Board Your Ship

If interacting with objects doesn’t work, try boarding your ship. This action might also resolve the Phased Time bug. If sitting on a chair doesn’t fix the issue, attempt to board your ship and check if the bug is resolved.

5. Check for Updates

Check the Steam page or the platform from which you downloaded Starfield to see if there are any available updates. The Phased Time bug is likely a glitch within the Starfield system, indicating that the developers are working on a patch to fix it. Keep checking for updates and install them as soon as they are available. Once the patch is installed, you should be able to use the Phased Time Power without any further issues. However, please note that you may need to exercise patience and wait until the developers release the patch to resolve this bug.

6. Restart Starfield

As an alternative fix, you can exit the game and restart it after a period of time has passed. If the game has encountered a glitch or you are unable to access certain content due to a bug, doing a restart after closing the game may resolve the issue.

7. Contact Bethesda Support

By following the aforementioned fixes, you should be able to resolve the Phased Time bug without any further issues. However, if you are still unable to do so, we recommend contacting Bethesda’s Support Team for further assistance.

We hope that this guide has provided you with helpful solutions for tackling the Phased Time bug in Starfield. Remember to try interacting with objects, loading a previous saved file, accessing the dashboard, boarding your ship, and checking for updates before restarting the game. If all else fails, reach out to Bethesda Support for further assistance. Now, you can continue enjoying the game without being hindered by the Phased Time bug. Happy gaming!


Q: How long does it take for the developers to release a patch for the Phased Time bug?

A: The time it takes for the developers to release a patch can vary. It is recommended to regularly check for updates and install them as soon as they are available to resolve the bug.

Q: Is there a chance of losing progress by loading a previously saved file?

A: Yes, loading a previous saved file may result in the loss of progress made since that saved file. It is important to consider this before using this fix.

Q: What should I do if none of the provided fixes work?

A: If you have tried all the fixes mentioned in this guide and are still unable to resolve the Phased Time bug, we recommend contacting Bethesda’s Support Team for further assistance.

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