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How to Fix / Solve Gacha Club Not Saving

Post Last Updates by Amit: Friday, March 1, 2024 @ 8:12 PM

How to Resolve the Issue of Gacha Club Not Saving

How to Resolve the Issue of Gacha Club Not Saving

Why is Gacha Club Not Saving?

News: The primary reason for Gacha Club not saving is the latest update, which has caused a system error during the upload process, impacting all iOS users. Nevertheless, there are a few other factors that might lead to your Gacha Club not saving characters. These include not allowing enough time for the game to save, deleting the game for an extended period, and using outdated versions of the game.

Fixes for Gacha Club Not Saving:

1. Save After Minigames

A solution that has proven effective for numerous users is to save the game after finishing minigames. To do this, play the minigames and let the game end on its own. Afterward, close the app and wait for a few minutes. Then, relaunch Gacha Club. Several Reddit users have confirmed that following this method has successfully resolved the saving issue for them.

2. Wait for an Ad

Another recommended method to address this issue is to return to the title screen and wait for an advertisement to appear. Here are the steps to follow:

1. Launch the Gacha Club app.
2. Tap on “Options” located in the bottom right corner.
3. Select “Return to title” and wait for the ad to appear.
4. When the ad appears, click “Yes.”
5. Close the Gacha Club app and wait for a few minutes.
6. Relaunch Gacha Club, and your progress should be saved.

3. Take a Screenshot with Full Video Mode

Some players have reported success by taking a screenshot in full video mode within Gacha Club. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

1. Launch the Gacha Club game.
2. Enter studio mode and switch to full video mode with your character displayed.
3. Take a screenshot of your character.
4. Exit the game.

4. Exit the Game

According to reports from Reddit users, this method has proven effective in resolving the character saving issue in Gacha Club. To utilize this approach, follow these steps:

1. Place the OC (Original Character) you wish to save into the studio and make some adjustments or movements.
2. Click on “View.”
3. Exit the game.

5. Wait for Some Time

Gacha Club’s saving process may take some time, so it’s crucial to be patient and allow the game sufficient time to complete the saving procedure. Wait for a few minutes and consider interacting with the characters during this waiting period. Sometimes, the game may require a bit of time to ensure that your progress is saved properly.

6. Update Gacha Club

This fix is designed specifically for iOS users who have encountered the saving issue in Gacha Club due to a system error caused by the latest update. To address this problem, it’s essential to update the game to version 4.0. Once you have successfully updated to this version, you should regain access to export codes and be able to save your characters without any issues.

7. Contact the Gacha Club Support Team

If you’ve exhausted all the previously mentioned methods without success, your last resort is to contact the Gacha Club Support Team. They are ready to offer you additional assistance and direction. You can locate their contact details on the Gacha Club website.

Experiencing difficulties with Gacha Club not saving can be quite vexing. However, this guide offers a range of effective solutions to tackle this problem. It’s crucial to remember to save your progress after completing minigames, watch an advertisement, capture a screenshot in full video mode, exit the game appropriately, allow sufficient time for the save process, keep Gacha Club updated to the latest version, and reach out to the Gacha Club Support Team if necessary. By diligently following these steps, you should be able to enjoy a seamless Gacha Club experience devoid of any saving-related hitches.

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Q: Why is Gacha Club not saving?

A: The most recent update is the main cause of Gacha Club not saving. It could also be due to not giving enough time for the game to save, deleting the game for an extended period, or using outdated versions of the game.

Q: How can I fix the saving issue in Gacha Club?

A: You can try saving after completing minigames, waiting for an ad, taking a screenshot in full video mode, exiting the game, providing enough time for saving, updating Gacha Club to the latest version, or contacting the Gacha Club Support Team for further assistance.

Q: What should I do if none of the methods work?

A: If none of the methods mentioned in this guide work for you, you can reach out to the Gacha Club Support Team for additional help and guidance.

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