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How To Connect Owlet 3 To WiFi

Post Last Updates by Ankit: Wednesday, January 31, 2024 @ 8:55 PM

How to Connect the Owlet Smart Sock 3 to Wi-Fi

How to Connect the Owlet Smart Sock 3 to Wi-Fi

News: For parents or caregivers, establishing a seamless connection between your Owlet Smart Sock 3 and your home Wi-Fi network is crucial. This connection ensures convenient and worry-free monitoring of your baby’s well-being. In this detailed guide, we will take you through the step-by-step process of connecting your Owlet Smart Sock 3 to your Wi-Fi network.

1. Prepare the Base Station

Begin by confirming that the Owlet Base Station is connected to a power source and is turned on. The Base Station functions as the central hub for the Owlet Smart Sock 3, facilitating communication with the Owlet Care App.

2. Download the Owlet Care App

If you haven’t already, download the Owlet Care App from the App Store (for iOS devices) or the Google Play Store (for Android devices). The app is crucial for the setup and management of your Owlet Smart Sock 3.

3. Create an Account

When you open the Owlet Care App, you will be prompted to create an account. This account enables you to personalize the settings for your Owlet Smart Sock 3 and receive crucial notifications.

4. Add a Child Profile

Once you’ve created an account, follow the app’s instructions to add a child profile. During this step, enter your child’s name and any other pertinent details. Establishing a child profile assists in monitoring your baby’s sleep and heart rate data effectively.

5. Navigate to Wi-Fi Settings

On your mobile device, access the Wi-Fi settings area. The procedure may vary slightly depending on whether you are using an iOS or Android device. Locate the Wi-Fi settings option within your device’s settings menu.

6. Select Owlet Wi-Fi Network

Within the Wi-Fi settings, you’ll find a list of available networks. Search for the Owlet Wi-Fi network, typically identified as “Owlet-XXXXXXXXXXX” (with the Xs representing a unique identifier). Tap on the Owlet Wi-Fi network to select it.

7. Connect to Owlet Wi-Fi Network

After choosing the Owlet Wi-Fi network, establish a connection between your mobile device and it. This step ensures that your Owlet Smart Sock 3 can effectively communicate with your device.

8. Return to Owlet Care App

Once you have successfully connected to the Owlet Wi-Fi network, return to the Owlet Care App to proceed with the setup process. The app will provide step-by-step guidance to help you complete the remaining configuration steps.

9. Follow App Prompts

The app will present you with prompts and instructions to finalize the setup process. This typically involves connecting the Owlet Base Station to your home Wi-Fi network. Simply follow the app’s guidance to proceed through these steps.

10. Verify Connection

After completing the setup, it is crucial to confirm that the Owlet Base Station is successfully linked to your home Wi-Fi network. This confirmation ensures your ability to receive real-time updates on your baby’s well-being.

Should you encounter any challenges during the setup, consult the official Owlet support resources for troubleshooting tips and solutions. Owlet offers comprehensive support to assist you in resolving any connectivity or setup-related issues.

In summary, connecting your Owlet Smart Sock 3 to your Wi-Fi network is a straightforward process that facilitates easy monitoring of your baby’s well-being. By following the step-by-step instructions provided in this guide, you can establish a seamless connection and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with effective baby monitoring.


Q: What should I do if the Owlet Wi-Fi network doesn’t appear in my device’s settings?

A: If you cannot find the Owlet Wi-Fi network, attempt to resolve the issue by restarting your device and repeating the steps. If the problem persists, reach out to Owlet support for additional assistance.

Q: Can I link multiple Owlet Smart Sock 3 devices to the same Wi-Fi network?

A: Yes, it’s possible to connect multiple Owlet Smart Sock 3 devices to the same Wi-Fi network. Each device will have its unique identifier.

Q: Is it secure to use Wi-Fi for monitoring my baby?

A: Owlet prioritizes security and privacy. The Owlet Smart Sock 3 employs encryption to safeguard your baby’s data, ensuring it is secure and accessible only to authorized users.

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