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GITAM University Recruitment

GITAM University is very old university not only in India but in Andhra Pradesh as well. It was established prior to the independence and pillar of education in the state of Andhra Pradesh. It offers range of courses like traditional undergraduate courses, master degree course, professional courses like master I business administration, pharmacy degree courses to all over the Andhra University. Campuses are located in various locations across the state. All admissions are made on the basis of entrance test for which applications were invited in the month of March and admissions are over in the July session. Its application process and admit card liable on its website www.gitam.edu.

Admit Card Procedure-

Gitam University Application Form

Admit card/hall ticket can be downloaded from the mentioned website by those candidates whose applications were reached at the office or accepted through online method within the stipulated time frame. So candidates can check their application status after sending in their application before downloading the admit card.

Gitam University Cutoff Marks


Regarding examination it is the responsibility of every candidates that they should assure themselves about all the details printed on the admit card. The disciplinary points must be kept in mind t while appearing in the entrance like no electronic gadgets is allowed inside the premise otherwise penalized .