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Food Corporation of India Exam Results 2014 published online for Management Trainee Post

The FCI or Food Corporation of India is one of the biggest public- sectors under taking in India responsible for food grain supply- chain management. The under taking recruits eligible applicants every year in the post of Management Trainee (General/ Depot/ Movement/ Technical/ Accounts/ Civil Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering/ Electrical Engineering) for its different offices and depots spread across all over the country.

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The applicants are invited for the written test held at different centres of examination on the basis of zone- wise vacancies introduced by the organization. The minimum qualification to participate in the concerned recruitment exam is graduation or any other equivalent exam with a minimum of 60% marks (55% for SC/ ST applicants) obtained from a recognized university/ college of India. The written test is basically held in two parts where paper 1 is compulsory for qualifying in the post of General/ Depot/ Movement and paper 2 for the rest of the posts as specified. Applicants qualifying in the written are required participating and qualifying in the GD/ PI conducted subsequently after this for the final selections.

Results of FCI MT Recruitment 2014 –Online Viewing Procedure:

1] To download the results for Food Corporation of India Management Trainee Recruitment Exam 2014, visit the website of FCI at fcijobsportal.com.

2] Choose the Zones of concerned recruitment from the home page.

3] Now click on the active links for downloading results of FCI MT Recruitment 2014.

4] follow the “Click to view the Result of the written test” link for accessing your results.

5] Now enter your roll numbers, date of births and choose the zone for which you have made an application.

6] Submit to download the results generated online for the concerned recruitment exam.

7] Print your results.

Download the Food Corporation of India Exam Results 2014 from here