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EPFO Exam Pattern 2014 Details of Structure of Question Paper & Qualifying Marks

The Employees Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) conducts the recruitment exam for the selection of eligible candidates in the SSA (Social Security Assistants) posts through the written exam and Skill Tests scheduled to be held mostly in the months of April/ May months respectively. The candidates who are preparing for the concerned recruitment exam may go through the detailed paper pattern and qualifying criteria from the information as given here below.

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Name of Exam: EPFO Recruitment Exam

Conducting Authority: Employees Provident Fund Organization

Recruitment for: SSA (Social Security Assistant)

Eligibility for Exam:

The applicants should possess a degree in UG/PG levels of any recognized university for this purpose. The applicants qualifying age in the concerned entrance exam must be lying in between 18 and 27 years respectively brought into effect from the closing date of applications. The candidates should have a speed of 5000 key per hour depression in order to be eligible in the Data Entry Work. Applicants having a Computer Training Certificate of a recognized Institute will be an added advantage.

Examination Pattern & Marking Criteria:

The EPFO Recruitment Exam shall be held in two stages- Written Exam and Skill Test respectively. The written exam shall be having objective type questions on the following main sections:

Section I: Reasoning (50 Questions) 100 Marks

Section II: Numerical Ability (50 Questions) 100 Marks

Section III: Office Aptitude (50 Questions) 75 Marks

Section IV: English Language (50 Questions) Qualifying Nature

Click here for EPFO Application Form Details

Total Number of Questions: 200

Total Marks Allotted: 275

Duration of Exam: 2 Hours

Marking Scheme:

The applicants shall be given 2 marks per question that they have answered correctly while there will be deduction of one-fourth marks in case of wrong answers attempted by them respectively.

2. Skill Test:

The candidates qualifying in the written shall be called for the Skill Test where the Data Entry Skills will be checked as per the eligibility required for this purpose. The applicants are required to score at least 25 marks out of the total 50 marks allotted to the Skill Test part of the entrance exam.

To get more details on the EPFO Exam Pattern 2014, Click here