Get the information about the COMEDK UGET exam pattern 2013-2014 details.
At sarkariexam we will try to find out the exam pattern for COMEDK UGETExam which will help you to prepare for the exam and get the best success.
COMEDK UGET Exam Pattern Structure 2012-2013
Basically COMEDK UGET exam has the following structure but we urge candidates to get ensure from the COMEDK UGET prospectus or from official website before starting the preparation.
Subject wise Syllabus:
Heat and thermodynamics, electrostatics, oscillations, thermal and chemical effects of currents, electromagnetic induction and alternating currents, physical world & measurement, introduction, description of motion in one dimension, description of motion in two and three dimensions, etc.
Chemistry of representative elements, nuclear chemistry, electrochemistry, chemical kinetics, chemistry in action, chemistry of biological processes, biomolecules, polymers, chemistry of carbon compounds, coordination chemistry and organo metallics, transition metals including lanthanides etc.
Vectors and three dimensional geometry, matrices and determinants, circles, coordinate geometry, exponential and logarithmic series, Probability, correlation and regression, differential equations, definite integral, integral calculus, differential calculus etc.
Diversity in Living World, Structural Organisation in Plants and Animals, Biology and Human Welfare, Ecology and Environment, Reproduction in Organism, Genetics & Evolution, etc.
Students must ensure all the details from the official website.
Official website of COMEDK UGET:
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Best of Luck for your COMEDK UGET exam.