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CG PET Admit Card  2014

The candidates, who wish to become a part of governmental engineering colleges for the state of Chhattisgarh apply for CG PET examination. This year also many a candidates have made registrations, all of them may now obtain their examination admit card from the authorized gateway of the board. Here are the details by which you can take assistance while downloading the one…

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CG PET Exam Patter and Syllabus:

The CG PET contains 03 sections containing 150 Objective type questions which are to be solved within the time slot of 180 minutes and the subjects covered are…

1. Mathematics

2. Physics

3. Chemistry

Mathematics – Trigonometry, Algebra, CO-ordinate geometry of three dimensions, Integral calculus, Differential calculus, Differential equations, Numerical methods, Statistics, Information technology etc.

Physics – Kinematics, Measurement, Force and laws of motion, Rotational motion and moment of inertia, Work energy and power, Gravitation, Heat and thermodynamics, Properties of solid and fluids, Oscillation, Light, Waves, Magnetism, Current electricity, Electrostatics, Effect of electric current, Electron, photon and radio activity, Electromagnetic induction and alternating current, Semiconductor and etc.

Chemistry – Chemical bond, Electrochemistry, Atomic structure, Solutions, Nuclear Chemistry, Solid States, Chemical Equilibrium, Thermo chemistry and thermodynamics, Ionic Equilibrium, Chemical Kinetics, Surface Chemistry and etc.

Organic Chemistry: Organic compounds based on functional group containing nitrogen, Chemistry of hydro carbon, Organic compounds containing organic oxygen, Bio molecules, Chemistry in daily life and etc.

Inorganic Chemistry: Chemical periodicity, Principles of metallurgical operations, Comparative study of elements, CO- ordination compound, Transitions metals, Chemical analysis and etc.

Detailed instructions of downloading the CG Pre Engineering Test Admit Card 2014:

1. The applied contenders of CG PET can have their admit card downloaded by visiting the official website that is given below.

2. Now, move your cursor to the link given for “CG PET Admit Card 2014” and click the same to open the tab.

3. Fill up the “Registration No.” and “Date of Birth”, once it is filled, click to submit in order to get your result.

4. Thereon, download your admit card and take print out as well for relevant help in future.

Registered Web Address: cgdteraipur.ac.in