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CBSE PMT Admit Card 2014

CBSE is also recognized as “Central Board of Secondary Education”, the board organizes several examinations every year and for all the examination downloading admit card is much needed so as in case of PMT which stands for Pre- Medical Test. The aspirants who have applied can have their admit card related details from the following segments as given below. Failing to produce the admit card at the time of written test will lead to the rejection of your candidature and thereon, will not be eligible to sit for the said exam.

The students, after successfully qualifying their Class- 12th exam with good marks can apply for this exam. The participants from the below segment can have the details by which they can download their admit card.

View more for latest Admit Card Details

How to Obtain CBSE PMT Admit Card:

A) First of all, it is necessary for candidates searching for their admit card to visit the official website of CBSE.

B) Choose the student category in which you fall.

C) Find out the result link given there on the page and select the link as applied by you.

D) Provide the details of your school from where the course is being pursued.

E) Submit the details filled by you.

F) Make selection to download your admit card.

Authorized CBSE Gateway: cbse.nic.in