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Behind Your Touch Season 2 Release Date : Spoilers, Streaming, Recap, Schedule & Where To Watch?

Post Last Updates by Ankit: Sunday, February 18, 2024 @ 1:39 PM

The K-Drama “Behind Your Touch” on Netflix

The K-Drama 'Behind Your Touch' on Netflix

News: Netflix’s “Behind Your Touch” is a delightful romantic comedy currently in its first season, comprising 16 episodes. There is no announced release date for the second season yet.

The Storyline of “Behind Your Touch”

In a small Korean town, Bong Ye-bun, a veterinarian with a unique ability to gain insights through touch, is at the center of the story. Detective Moon Jang-yeol, demoted to the local crime department, crosses paths with her, seeing a chance to boost his career by joining forces with her to solve crimes. The series also introduces Kim Sun-woo, a newcomer who captures Ye-bun’s interest, injecting a romantic comedy element into the plot.

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Production and Distribution

“Behind Your Touch” is produced and distributed within South Korea by JTBC, with Netflix serving as its global distributor. The possibility of a second season hinges largely on JTBC’s decision. Nevertheless, in the event that JTBC opts not to proceed with the series but Netflix’s global viewership remains robust, Netflix may consider taking the reins for the second season. If all falls into place, viewers could anticipate a potential release of the second season by late 2024.

Possibility of Multiple Seasons

“Behind Your Touch” has a premise that lends itself to the potential for multiple seasons, but the ultimate verdict will be determined by the show’s performance and the decisions of the networks involved. The K-Drama has garnered substantial online attention, fueling anticipation and optimism for the prospect of a second season.

Netflix’s Role in South Korean Content

Netflix is well-known for its commitment to producing local content that authentically represents various cultures and perspectives. It has made substantial investments in the Asian market, including South Korea. If JTBC opts not to pursue a second season of “Behind Your Touch,” Netflix might view this as a valuable opportunity to further expand its South Korean content portfolio and continue to cater to a global audience with diverse tastes.

The Challenges of Renewals

It’s worth mentioning that securing renewals for additional seasons can be challenging for K-Dramas, and Netflix typically prioritizes new content over extending existing series.

In summary, while a second season of “Behind Your Touch” on Netflix has not been officially confirmed, there is optimism for its future episodes. Any updates regarding the renewal status of “Behind Your Touch” will be shared once an official announcement is made.


Q: Is a second season of “Behind Your Touch” in the works?

A: As of now, there hasn’t been an official confirmation regarding a second season, but there is optimism about the potential for future episodes.

Q: Who is responsible for the production and distribution of “Behind Your Touch”?

A: “Behind Your Touch” is created and distributed by the South Korean network JTBC for its domestic audience, with Netflix handling global distribution.

Q: Are there plans for additional seasons of the show?

A: The prospect of further seasons hinges on the show’s performance and the determinations made by the networks and production team involved.

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