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BSc Nursing Exam Pattern 2014 Qualifying Criteria and Paper Pattern for Admissions to Banaras Hindu University

The Banaras Hindu University runs the full time course in the Bachelor of Science Nursing course for all the eligible candidates who wish to enroll themselves in the concerned course of the university. The university admits the students through a common entrance exam usually held in the months of May/ June respectively. Given below are the details of eligibility, selection process and exam pattern for all the candidates applying in the concerned course of the university.

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Exam Pattern:

The entrance exam for the B.Sc Nursing consists of objective type multiple choice questions on the following main topics. There will be three sections in the exam for the candidates to qualify in the given time frame.

Section I: Physics (25 Questions)

Section II: Chemistry (25 Questions) and

Section III: Biology and Zoology (50 Questions)

Total Number of Questions: 200

Total Marks Allotted: 400

Duration of Exam: two hours

Syllabus of Study:

1.Physics: Communication System, Vibrations and Waves, Dual nature of Matter, Electrostatics, Heat Transfer, Atoms and Nuclie, Electronic Devices, Light and Sound, Optics, Mechanics, Modern Physics, Atoms and Nuclei, Units and Measurements, Current Electricity, and Electromagnetic Waves

2.Chemistry: Alcohals, Phenols and Ethers, States of Matter, Organic Chemistry, Electrochemistry, Chemical Kinetics, Polymers, Elements and Compounds, Surface Chemistry, Important Concepts in Chemistry, Mixtures, Solutions and Solubility, P- Block Elements, Chemical Reactions and Bonding, The Gas Laws, Coordination Compounds, D and F Block Elements, Important Concepts in Chemistry

3.Biology and Zoology: Animal Physiology, Origin and Evolution of Life, Ecology and Ecosystems, Cell Theory, Reproduction in Plant and Animals, Cell Theory, Mendel’s Law of Inheritance, Cell Structure and Function, Human Disorders, Living and Non Living, Plant Physiology and Five Kingdoms of Classification etc

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Qualifying Criteria:

The candidates should score at least 50% marks in the entrance exam in order to qualify in the concerned exam. The candidates who qualify in the written exam with the required merit will be called for the counseling to be held subsequently after the result declaration of the concerned exam.

For more details on the B.Sc Nursing Entrance Exam 2014, click here