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AP TET Counselling

Andhra Pradesh government too to stream line the basic and primary education according to the constitutional amendment for right to education for 6 to 14 years children made arrangement to change the recruitment model adopted by various government of Andhra Pradesh prior to the amendment. Now guidelines have been issued t take any eligibility test to recruit the teacher in the primary section that should be qualifying in nature and only qualified teachers will be absorbed by any consensus procedure. So Andhra Pradesh government is organizing the teacher eligibility test 2013 for that application process is made online. Application form will be sold in the open market the prospectus which will contain the syllabus and section from where question might be asked.

Admit Card Notice-

Applicants after sending in their application through whatever mode they chose to send need to log in www.aptet.cgg.gov.in to collect the admit card updates and call letter too. They need to submit the application number or registration number with correct date of birth to print and have the admit card prior to the said exam in the centers all over the Andhra Pradesh.

AP TET Exam Pattern

Other Facility-

They provide the toll free number to the prospective applicants to get sorted out regarding the discrepancy of admit card downloading. Numbers are 040- 23232152 and mobile number is 07702922004.