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AMUEEE Cut Off Marks 2014 Rules for Qualifying Percentage of Marks

The Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) releases the cut off marks for all the candidates who participated in the entrance exams conducted for admissions to the universities different courses including engineering, medical, archeology and other professional courses. Those students who participated in the Aligarh Muslim University Engineering Entrance Exam (AMUEEE) should go through the rules for deciding the qualifying marks percentage from the information as given here below.

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AMUEEE Cut Off Marks 2014:

The Aligarh Muslim University has the facility of announcing the cut off marks and results online at its official website i.e. amucontrollerexams.com. The cut off marks for most of the subjects depends on the following main factors in the concerned entrance exam:

1. The number of applicants in the concerned entrance exam

2. The number of vacant seats available in a college/ department /faculty concerned for that particular course

3. The level of difficulty for the question paper in the concerned entrance exam

4. The performance of the applicants in the concerned entrance exam which is dependent on both level of questions asked in the exam as well as the preparation of the applicants for the same

5. Apart from this, the cut off marks shall also be decided as per the standards as set up by the particular college/ department /faculty and the previous years’ cut off marks in the concerned entrance exam respectively

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Normally, the colleges affiliated to the Aligarh Muslim University decide a minimum cut off marks as per the highest merit in the concerned entrance exam and call the applicants above this minimum score for the counseling scheduled to be held on the dates as specified for this purpose subsequently after the results have been announced by the university.

The candidates who have appeared in the Aligarh Muslim University Engineering Entrance Exam and are waiting to see their Cut off Marks must keep visiting the official website of the University for getting any latest updates on this matter.

 Click here to view the AMUEEE Cut off Marks 2014