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AIMAT Exam Pattern 2014 Syllabus, Eligibility and Paper Structure Details

The AIMA Management Aptitude Test (AIMAMAT) is the national level management test conducted every year by the CMS (Centre for Management Services), a special division of the AIMA (All India Management Association). The test is scheduled to be held four times a year in the months of January, May, September and December respectively. The candidates interested and eligible to apply in the concerned entrance exam may go through the details regarding syllabus, eligibility and examination scheme from the information as given here below.

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Name of Exam: Management Aptitude Test (MAT)

Conducting Authority: All India Management Association

Courses of Admission: MBA

Eligibility for Exam:

The applicants should be graduation passed in any discipline to appear and qualify in the Management Aptitude Test. The minimum percentage of marks required in the qualifying examination depends on the member Institute /University participating in the concerned entrance exam.

Schemata of Exam:

The candidates will have to appear and qualify in an objective type multiple choice based questions divided into the following five main sections:

Section 1: Language Comprehension (40 Questions)

Total Time Allotted: 30 Minutes

Section 2: Mathematical Skills (40 Questions)

Total Time Allotted: 40 Minutes

Section 3: Data Sufficiency and Analysis (40 Questions)

Total Time Allotted: 35 Minutes

Section 4: Intelligence and Critical Reasoning (40 Questions)

Total Time Allotted: 30 Minutes

Section 5: Indian and Global Environment (40 Questions)

Total Time Allotted: 15 Minutes

Click here for AIMAT Application form Details

Total Number of Questions: 200

Total Time Allotted: 150 Minutes

Duration of Exam: 2 and ½ Hours

Modes of Examination:

The Management Aptitude Test is available in both the modes- Paper pencil Modes and Computer Based Test respectively. The candidates can avail either of these modes as per their convenience and choice of the exam centres respectively. The computer based test is available at the following examination centres only-

Hyderabad, Chandigarh, Delhi, Ahmadabad, Bangalore, Cochin, Bhopal, Mumbai, Jaipur, Chennai, Lucknow and Kolkata respectively

The candidates can get more details on the AIMAT 2014 from the official website links as given below.

Click here for more info on AIMA MAT 2014