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AASC Admission Form 2014- 15

AASC (Administrative staff College, Khanapara, Guwahati), learning that ropes the continuing alteration process is a main vision of AASC. AASC has added yet one more quill to its limit, with it being certified as an ISO 9001:2008 Quality Maintenance System (QMS) compliant organisation on November 29, 2013. AASCs goal is to generate a surroundings where it is simple for people to study what they require, when they are in need of it & to relate their understanding, knowledge, & experience for their own advantage and of Government as well. To attain this aim, AASCs policy is to: “Invest in strategic learning initiatives that have the highest impact”. Control the thinker capital of employees from Government sector through teamwork, to grow the base of knowledge. The College is now for the new session is inviting applications from eligible candidates for its various courses offered, details can be read below:

View more for Latest Admission Details

College Activities:

Internally validate the training course to improve training.

Conduct training need analysis.

Prepare, update training materials.

Design training programs.

Impart Pre-Examination Coaching for candidates from Assam and the other North Eastern States appearing in all-Indian competitive examinations.

Conduct external validation.

Continuously update the methodology of training to make it cost effective

Conduct foundation courses for State Civil Service Officers and other departmental officials for Assam and the other North-Eastern States.

Adhere to the concept of Systematic Approach to Training.

Conduct orientation and refresher courses in Management, Development Administration, Rural Development, Decentralized Planning Process, Project Formulation, Public Distribution System, computer systems, etc.

Conduct courses sponsored by Government of India on Training of Trainers, Management of Training, Human Rights, Gender Issues, Hospital Administration, Computer Application etc.

Click here for  AASC Application form details

Run several courses annually for Indian Administrative Service, Indian Forest Service , Indian Police Service and other allied services of Government of India.

Courses Offered:

Financial Management

1st – Training Course for Police Officers of District level Training course for Audit Officers

2nd – Training Course for Police Officers of District level

3rd – Training Course for Police Officers of District level

Financial Management

Two-Day Sensitization Course on Public Private Partnership (PPP)

Right to Information Act 2005

Sensitization of Government Functionaries on Muslim Community

2-Week Training Needs Analysis Workshop for ACS Officers

Gender Issues

One week Special Training for IAS Officer Trainees of 2012 batch

Community Resources Management

Cyber Security

Two Week North East Darshan for IAS Officer Trainees & A/M, M/T, Nagaland, Sikkim & AGMUT Cadres


There are many such courses, students can refer the link given below to view more.

Application Methodology:

Candidates who wish to study in this College are requested to visit official website (mentioned below) for detailed description on how to apply.

Contact Details:

Jawaharnagar, Khanapara, Guwahati- 781 022, Assam, India

Ph-91-361-2363325, Fax: 2362361,

Email: director@aasc.gov.in

Official Website

Click on the link to View More Courses