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Solapur University Admit Cards 2014 details for annual semester examinations

The Solapur University has been brought into existence on 1st August 2004 by the Maharashtra Government for providing admissions under different under graduate and post graduate courses including BA, BA LLB, B.Com, B.Sc, B.E, B.Tech, ME, M.Tech, MA, M.Sc, M.Com, B.Arch, B.Pharma, M.Pharma, MCA, MBA, M.P.Ed, B.P.Ed and BBA respectively. The candidates enrolled in the university are required to appear and qualify in the annual semester exams twice every year in the months of March/ April and October/ November respectively. The admit cards /hall tickets are available online to be downloaded by all the appearing candidates for university examinations conducted annually.

The applicants get the Examination Core Hall Ticket from website online for different courses semester wise. The admit cards downloaded course and semester wise shall be having all the details of examination including examinee and date and venue related information. In order to download your Solapur University Admit Cards online, go through the instructions as given below for this purpose.

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Solapur University Online Admit Cards 2014 Downloading Procedure:

a) Visit the Solapur University website available online at su.digitaluniversity.ac.

b) Find the “Examination” section of website available at the home page top menu bar.

c) The page of examination shall contain the links of admit card existing under the “Top Links” in left hand side menu bar.

d) Click on the links of “Examination Core Hall Ticket”/ “Hall Tickets March/ April 2014”.

e) Now choose the concerned course for which you have to give examination.

f) Download the admit card and take print outs as a last step so that it can be carried at time of examination.

Click here to access Solapur University Examination Core Hall Ticket 2014

Click here to access Solapur University March/ April 2014 Hall Tickets